Page 7 of Blurred Lines

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“Danger. Auntie Summer hasn’t cooked for us before. What if the house burns down?” Mason asks Shaw.

“Buddy, I think the only danger that is ever in store is when I’m cooking, Auntie Summer cooks very well, you’ll see.”

“What’s for dinner?” Mason asks, turning to me.

“You’re favorite,” I reply with a smile while wiping my hands.

“Daddy doesn’t let me have ice cream for dinner.” Mason crosses his arms in front of his chest and pouts.

I bend down to his level and put my hand on his shoulder.

“If you eat all of your dinner, you might get dessert.” I whisper to him.

“What kinds of dessert?” He leans in and loudly whispers as if we are sharing a secret.

“Only the special kind for you buddy!” I wink and then stand up.

“Should I be worried that the kid will be up all night?” Shaw asks.

“Never, now, if you could set the table, that would be amazing.” I ask him.

He salutes me and then moves around me in the kitchen, grabbing everything that we will need for our feast.

Once everyone is seated and a plate is in front of them, I pick up my fork.

“Bon appetite.” I say.

Mason digs into his pasta and does his best to make every forkful go into his mouth, he makes the adequate happy noises while eating and I look expectantly to Shaw for the same, but notice that he’s shoveling his food into his mouth as if he was participating in a contest.

When dinner is over, Shaw leans back and pats his stomach.

“You impregnated me,” he says while wiping his mouth with his other hand.

“What’d that mean daddy?” Mason looks to Shaw.

“Well, it means that Aunt Summer cooked us some really good food and my belly is happy.”

“Auntie Summer, you pregnated me too, I love oodles!”

I laugh when Shaw sits forward. “Alright, I want you to go play for a bit. I’m going to clean up and then it’s bath time, got it?”

“I can give him a bath,” I offer.

“No, you chill. You made us dinner and I couldn’t be more appreciative over a home cooked dinner,”


“Summer, please. You’re a guest here in the house, and more importantly, you are my best friend, you don’t have to do anything.”

“I’ll wear you down, mister.” I playfully shake my finger at him.

“Oh, I bet.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

Only I don’t think we’re thinking in the same manner.

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