Page 8 of Blurred Lines

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His hands roamed over the surface of my body, the bubbles from the soap leaving a trace of where he’s touched me. When his hand reaches my thigh, his hands slowly move inward, and I can feel his fingers tips lightly grazing…

“Summer? Uh, Summer?”My rampant thoughts are interrupted by Shaw’s voice and the faint sound of the creaks of the door opening, “oh shit, I’m sorry, I should have knocked, I didn’t think, I’ll just, yeah, I’ll see you later.” The door slams and I’m frozen in place.

My chest is heaving while I slowly remove my hand from between my legs.

I suck in a deep breath and blink several times.

Did that really happen?

Ok, so Shaw just walked into the room while I was masturbating and caught me knuckles deep in a fantastic session. A session where I imagined he was lathering my body in the shower, and just as he was getting to the good part, the real Shaw appeared.

Do I go and face him? What do I say? I mean, touching yourself is a natural thing, everyone does it.

I decide to own up my womanhood and go talk to him. But first, I put on shorts and wash my hands.

I find Shaw in the kitchen washing a dish, a dish that is spotless. He’s looking out the window above the sink into the backyard as he continues to make circular motions.

“Hey, umm, hi best friend,” I say, leaning on the counter to his left.

Shaw jolts slightly at the interruption of his likely running rampant thoughts of what he may have walked in on. He turns off the water, wipes his hands on his shirt, then turns to face me.

“Listen, I’m sorry. I should have knocked, and I promise you that I didn’t really see much, I mean, I saw stuff, but I—”

“Hey, no need to explain. For good measure though, care to leave your door open while you give yourself a tug later, that way this won’t be so awkward?”

“Awkward? This isn’t awkward,” he shakes his head, looking everywhere but at me.

“Bull to the shit. You got to see my lady bits, you saw me diddling, and now you can’t even look me in the eyes. I’m surprised though that it’s taken us so long to walk in on one another in an indisposed situation,” I smile. I am completely mortified that he saw me, but his cute embarrassment has me hoping that my joking will put him at ease.

“Yeah,” is all that he says.

“We’re both adults, and we know what sex is, along with the fact that we both have it, so let’s be grown-ups about this and pound fists or something and then go on our merry little way,” I offer him.

“Yeah, grown-ups, pounding of the fists,” he blinks and then shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I really wasn’t expecting to see all of you,” he waves his hand up and down my body.

“Well, now you have. I’m telling you, if you strip right here and right now, we’d be even,” I step forward and grab the hem of his shirt to playfully tug on it just as he steps back taking his shirt out of my grasp.

“Nope, nope, you don’t wanna see this here. We’re cool, we really are. No need to make things even, I think that would actually make me a little more self-conscience.”

“What are you hiding under there? So what if you have a dad bod,” I laugh.

“I do not,” he protests.

“Okay then, show me?” I ask.

“Go away, you devil woman!” Shaw jumps away from me as my hands meet the counter that was behind him.

“Oh, don’t worry, I will get you,” I taunt him.

He leaves the room and as I walk through the living room; I turn off the lights, it’s late anyway and I need to get to bed. I hear his bedroom door close and I laugh to myself.

“So,did he see your good side?” Sloane asks, spinning herself around on the stool while I put books away on the layaway shelf behind the register.

“My good side? What would be my good side, he was basically looking up the barrel by the way the bed faces the door,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

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