Page 58 of Blurred Lines

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“You’re probably right. He’s likely ready to burst,” I agree.

The hotel isdown the street from the park. With majestic roofs that make it look like a castle and themed art on the walls, Mason is bouncing off the walls.

“Can we go on that one with the flying thing? Can we fly the elephant? Can we go on the train? Will there be superheroes there? Oh my gosh, can I meet some of them?” Mason asks.

“We can even get their autographs,” I tell him, bending down to look at him.

“Are you serious? No fucking way!” he looks between Shaw and me.

“Um, little buddy? We don’t say that word, that’s a grown-up word.” Shaw says with his hand on Mason’s shoulder as he lowers to one knee to look Mason in the eyes.

“But mommy says it all the time. Like there was one time, she said it five times in a row.” His eyes are wide as he says it. His head swivels between me and his dad.

“Well, mommy is an adult, so she can say things like that.” Shaw says slowly, choosing the right words to not bash on his ex.

“When will I be an adult?” Mason asks.

“When you turn 18 and you move out of the house, go to college and live on your own.” Shaw explains.

“Oh wow, I get to live on my own?” Mason shrieks in excitement.

Shaw stands and rustles Mason’s hair, looks at me, and I return his smile.

“Daddy, can we go swimming?” Mason asks as if the small conversation never happened.

“Sure buddy, go change into your swimsuit.” Shaw instructs.

Shaw turns to me once Mason runs into the bathroom.

“Do I swear a lot?” he asks with concern.

“Not too much. Actually, I don’t think that you cuss in front of Mason ever.” I assure him as he breathes out a hiss of ease.

We watch Mason jump in and out of the pool for a while until it’s time for dinner, after a big meal, we get the excited boy into bed and then we crack open the balcony door to sit out there until we go to sleep.

We don’t sit out there long and soon we go off to bed as well. We reenter the room and then look at the empty bed parallel to the one that Mason is sleeping in.

“It looks like I get the bed all to myself.” I grin, looking at Shaw.

Shaw looks over to Mason in the bed. Sleeping in the middle and completely diagonal with his legs and arms spread. His tiny mouth is wide open and low snores leak out.

“Maybe I can just sleep in that bed with you and sneak out before he wakes up?” Shaw whispers.

“Oh yeah? And what if you don’t?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“It’s not like we would be doing anything other than sleeping. I can sleep on top of the covers and it will be as if we just fell asleep watching TV,” Shaw shrugs.

He has a point.

“Okay, but you can’t spoon me.” I point my finger at him.

“I don’t think that we’ve ever really spooned, as friends or lovers. In fact, I think there’s like a five minute cuddle session and then we will fall asleep without even touching,” he replies.

That’s true. I can’t explain it, it feels like my body can’t relax and that it desperately needs to, but someone is touching me, or holding me, or resting on me. I can’t deal with it.

“All right, but we’ll need the television on to make our story believable.” I say.

“You realize he’s a kid, right? He’s not really going to question what we say.” Shaw grins.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes.

We jump onto the bed, turn off the beside light and the television. Shaw places his arm under my back and rolls me slightly to face him.

“Now I can make out with you a little before we go to bed,” he whispers, closing the distance between us.

I lean up and accept his lips as he slides his tongue into my mouth. My hands slowly roam over the spans of his back. He lightly moans into my mouth when my body presses further into his. I can feel his erection through his shorts and it takes all my control not do anything with it. I feel like we’re two teenagers, making out as quietly as possible in a bedroom, while the parents are in the other room. Except this time, I’m making out with someone who is a parent.

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