Page 11 of Blurred Lines

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I rackmy brain trying to figure out if I’ve ever seen Shaw without his shirt off? Maybe back in the day, but back then I wasn’t particularly thinking of him in the ways that I’ve started to as of recently.

He wears clothes that hide his amazing physique and now I just want him to walk around the house shirtless.

Is that too much to ask for?

It’s not that I’ve been avoiding Shaw, because I haven’t, we just haven’t been in the same room together for too long, or at home at the same times this week. But ever since I saw what I saw, I’ve been keeping to myself to try and really figure out these thoughts that I’ve been having about him.

I had just gotten out of a relationship, why would I entertain getting in another one so soon and potentially ruining years of friendship.

But friends to lovers is so perfect, it’s the perfect type of romance. A friendship is a good foundation to build a romantic relationship on, you already have the important parts of the person known, then comes the fun and exploring parts.

It’s as if I’m trying to convince myself.

Mason is with his mom this weekend and I’m home alone making myself a sandwich, when I hear a female voice enter the house, followed by Shaw’s. They are both talking animatedly until they come into the kitchen. I look down at my outfit and since I wasn’t expecting anyone to come home, I’m wearing short shorts and a white tank with a dark bra.

“Oh, who’s this? You have a house cleaner?” she asks looking at me.

Why would she assume that I am a house cleaner, what if I was his girlfriend? Do I not look like girlfriend material?

“God, no,” Shaw says quickly. “This is one of my best friends. She lives here. Summer meet Connie. Connie, meet Summer,” I wipe my hand on the towel beside me and step forward to shake her hand.

She loosely shakes and gives me a fake smile.

“How do you two know one another?” I ask, resting my hip on the counter casually.

“Oh, we went out a few times,” Connie replies, then runs her finger along Shaw’s shoulder. “But this guy has been playing hard to get, so I talked him into lunch today.”

“Yeah, she got me,” he shrugs with a strange look on his face.

“Well, cool. I’m just gonna finish up making my sandwich and I’ll scoot out of your way, pretend I’m not even here,” I turn and say.

Connie turns to Shaw and presses herself against him. Hussy.

She threads her fingers into his short hair and leans up to whisper something into his ear. He mumbles something that I can’t hear as I slap the turkey on my bread and then quickly spin around to rinse my butter knife.

I look up to see Shaw’s hands on her hips, gently pushing her away and taking a step back himself. I rush past them and head toward my room.

His date is annoying, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s thinking the same thing. It’s awkward, especially the way she looked me over, the way she spoke to me, and the way she got even closer to Shaw, as if she had a claim to him. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen him with another woman and with my newfound feelings, I can say that I didn’t like it.

She’s definitely not the type of woman that I’ve ever seen Shaw with, which is rare, and he looked a little uncomfortable as well. He probably had chicks over all the time before I moved in, it’s not like I was over here all the time. I haven’t known of him dating anyone recently but it’s his house and he can bring home anyone that he wants; so, I shouldn’t be upset or uncomfortable. Except I am, because I’m having these feelings about him.

A knock interrupts my thoughts of confusion and Shaw peaks his head in, but his eyes are closed.

“You decent?” he asks.

“I’m always decent,” I reply, setting down my sandwich on the plate on my lap.

“Just didn’t want to interrupt any special time,” he smiles while he sits at the end of the bed. “I’m sorry about Connie.”

“Why?” I ask.

“She was rude to you,” he shrugs.

“Girls are always rude to one another when they’re on the hunt, it’s okay,” I reply.

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