Page 12 of Blurred Lines

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“While that could be true, no one treats you rudely. I only went out to lunch with her because she nonchalantly asked mid-conversation and I didn’t even notice, then I was stuck and couldn’t back out.”

“So, you’re not interested in her?” I ask.

“God no, she’s vapid. I would prefer to stay as far away from her as possible,” he shakes his head.

“You looked like you didn’t mind the attention,” I breathe.

“I don’t want her attention, Summer,” he says pointedly.

“Oh, okay,” I pick up my sandwich and take a bite out of it, not sure what else to do.

“You seemed uncomfortable in the kitchen, everything okay?”

“Yep, I’m good. Just surprised, that’s all,” I reply.

He observes me quietly and then stands up.

“Listen, I want to have a BBQ tomorrow. It’s the end of the year, it’s finally nice enough, and I turned the pool heater on last week. I want you there, and if you want to invite anyone that I haven’t already of our friends, that’s cool.”

“Yeah, okay, sure,” I nod.

“And tonight, let’s have a movie night, yeah? Since you moved in, we haven’t just hung out.”

“That sounds nice,” I say with a smile.

He grins back at me, leaves the room, leaving me to my sandwich and my running thoughts.

Popcorn,Netflix, fuzzy socks, and my best friend. I couldn’t ask for anything more, however my stomach is doing flips and I’m not really concentrating on the movie. We’re watching the hit movie on Netflix with Sandra Bullock, blindfolds, and a cage with birds in it. A few times, Shaw and I reach into the popcorn bowl at the same time and I would minorly freak out in my head.

But now, the popcorn is done, and I have nothing to fumble with. Shaw’s hand is relaxed along the back of the couch, just behind my head. It’s normal, nothing he never did before, but now I’m mentally telling him to drop his hand and let it land on my shoulder. To pull me into him and snuggle me.

“Can you pause it really quick?”

“Didn’t you just go to the bathroom?” he asks.

“You know that I have a delicate bladder, I take one sip of liquid and bam! Full bladder,” I say as if it’s normal.

“Hurry up, woman,” he playfully taunts.

I return a moment later and sit back down, Shaw reaches forward and grabs the remote, plops back down on the couch, then rearranges himself so that his thigh is touching my knee as I sit crisscrossed on the couch.

He’s touching me!My brain squeals.

Shaw’s hand rests on top of my knee casually, as if it’s no thang, and suddenly goosebumps erupt over my skin and I think that I’ve stopped breathing all together.

“Ready?” Shaw looks to me and asks.

I can’t manage to say anything, my mouth is dry, my heart is beating a million beats a minute and I’m afraid to break this moment, so I nod.

The movie resumes, my back is ramrod straight and I can feel myself swallowing. After ten minutes of this, Shaw pauses the movie again and then looks at me.

“What is wrong?”

“What do you mean?” I ask quietly.

“You’re stiff as a board, you’re acting weird, are you okay?”

“Yep, I’m good. I’m fine, better than fine. I’m great,” I say, probably a little too eagerly.

“Relax a little, we’re watching a movie,” he playfully jabs me in the side.

I take a deep breath and relax into the couch. Shaw’s hand stays on my knee and I do not know what happened in that movie.

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