Page 57 of No More Heartache

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I practically lockedmyself in the bathroom for several minutes, trying to regulate my heart beat. The way we were sitting together on the couch and then what was on the television was indeed arousing me and I think this quick timeout in the bathroom is helping.

I look at myself in the mirror, my cheeks are flushed. Who am I kidding?

It took every ounce of willpower that I have to not roam my hands on Max’s chest as we sat there with my head on his shoulder. I doubt he’s as affected by me as I am by him, as I’m fairly sure that my reactions right now are pregnancy hormone induced.

I splash some water on my face and take a deep breath, while taking one last look at myself.

I walk out into the living room and Max is still sitting on the couch, playing with something on his cell phone, he still has the movie paused at the point that I left.

Great! I sigh and then sit down next to him, distancing myself a little.

“Ready?” He asks setting down his phone.

“Can we, can we um fast forward this part?” I feel like a prude asking this.

“What? Why?” He asks with a smile.

“Um, can we just?” I give him my puppy dog eyes.

“Yeah, sure Tate.” He stares at me, he’s looking at my lips and I’m trying to refrain from jumping the short distance to him and attacking him.

I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

“Do you want anything while I’m up?” I ask while I reach and grab a can of pineapple.

“No, thank you.” He says.

I turn around and come face to face with Max. He’s a few inches away from me as he places both his hands on my hips and presses me to step back. My breath has hitched and I’m unsure as to what his intentions are, yet I’m hoping that they are the same as mine.

“Tatum?” He says quietly.

“Max?” I question back breathy.

“Excuse me.” He said reaching behind me at the bowls, and I practically have stopped breathing. He then reaches into one of the drawers beside my hip and pulls out an ice cream scoop. He has a knowing smile on his face and winks.


He offers me ice cream which I decline and soon joins me back on the couch. I’ve got to get my mind out of the gutter. Maybe I should just call it a night. I look at the clock on the wall, and it’s still too early, dammit!

We continue watching the movie, or rather Max continues to watch the movie and I watch him lick ice cream off of the spoon. He caught me looking a few times, in which he would just smile at me.

I study his profile, the definition of his jaw, how his facial hair seemed perfectly placed and how it surrounds his lips, those lips that when he smiles I want to nibble on. He just finished his ice cream, which is a damn shame since now his lips are licking themselves and I’m wishing that I could be licking his lips instead.

He catches me watching him again, and then scoots closer to me with a smile. He puts his arm behind me a top the couch and again our thighs are touching as my heart beats faster. Nonchalantly, I lean into him again, and this time I let my hand fall on his thigh. His thigh muscle tightens at my touch and I see him suck in a breath.

“Tatum?” He whispers.

I look up just as he leans down and his lips are on mine. He tastes like chocolate mint ice cream as I kiss him back. He makes a noise in his throat as he deepens the kiss, brushing his tongue against mine and lifts me so I’m straddled on his lap without breaking our contact. My fingers run through his hair, as his hands rub along my back with light pressure and I unintentionally rock against him, feeling his hardened length under me. I rock a few more times and then I come to my senses and with urgency remove myself from the couch breaking all contact.

We are both breathing heavy and we stare at each other. I can tell that I’m flushed as my whole body feels like it’s on fire.

“I’m sorry.” He says slowly standing.

My eyes are trying to stay on his eyes, but they go to his below regions where he is clearly straining against his gym shorts. He adjusts his stance and takes a step behind the couch, hiding himself.

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