Page 56 of No More Heartache

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She meandered into the kitchen a moment later, plastered on a smile and reached into the cupboard behind me for glasses.

“Would you like some sparkling water with your dinner sir?” She asks mocking a baritone.

“Please madam.” I plate off portions and as she goes into the dining area, I follow with dinner.

Her eyes look like they will pop out of her head, she’s licking her lips and rubbing her hands together. I don’t know if it’s downright creepy or adorable. I smile as I hand her a fork and knife and sit in my seat. I’m unsure if she’s just excited about the food or if it’s me.

“So, how was your day?” I ask.

“Well, I threw up a few times after lunch, but other than that it was an easy day.” She smiles taking a bite, then immediately moaning.

My dick twitches. I try to ignore it.

“More morning sickness?” I ask continuing with the conversation.

“It was gone for a few days, but then there was this gross smell in the teachers’ lounge this afternoon, and I couldn’t handle it anymore.” She explains, taking another bite and again moaning her appreciation.

My dick twitched again. I’m still trying to ignore it.

“Your brother and Kat want to come over for dinner tomorrow, is that okay? I sorta said it was. I’m sorry, I should have checked with you first.”

“That’s cool. I’m surprised he actually didn’t just show up without telling either of us. Speaking of which, my buddy Leo wants to come over next week with his fiancée, would that be cool with you?”

“Yeah, I’d love to meet him” She smiles and again, moans.

Alright, my dick might explode.

* * *

We’re sittingon the couch after dinner, watching some show that she chose. I’ve stopped paying attention to anything other than managing my breathing and noticing where on the couch she is and exactly how close she is to me.

Her leg and my leg are friends now, her thigh and my thigh are next to each other touching. I’m well aware of this. She’s now started to lean my way.

“Is this okay?” She asks as she leans her head against my shoulder.

I can’t vocalize how okay it is, so I just nod as she fully leans into me. Back in my high school days sitting like this next to a girl like we are right now was a big deal, I feel like I’m 16 again and I need to start paying attention to whatever the hell this is that we’re watching.

It’s a movie on one of the paid channels, and thankfully it’s an action movie that I’ve seen before. The next scene is a steamy sex scene, it’s clear that Tatum has never seen the movie as she’s enthralled in it and doesn’t anticipate what I am. The lights are off and I’m back and forth between watching her and watching the movie. Her tiny intakes of breath when an explosion occurs are endearing, and then it’s almost like she holds her breath as the characters on the screen start going at it. She is avidly watching the television, and I’m watching her. I can almost see her accelerated heartbeat as I watch her.

After a few moments she clears her throat and then sits up and distances herself from me, as the characters progress their making out top stripping each other. She looks nervously at me, and I catch her eyes.

“You alright?” I ask.

“Yeah, I just… need to go to the restroom.” She says scrambling off the couch.

I pause the television which she immediately notices and shakes her head.

“No need to pause it, I don’t mind. I won’t be long.” She runs into the bathroom and I laugh.

I keep the television paused anyways.

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