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Gladys, an older woman who’s worked at this place since I moved to town, likely since the day she was born, stands in front of me holding up a pot of coffee. I flip over the coffee cup and push it forward, silently agreeing.

“You know, I don’t think that I’ve seen you in here too often,” she says.

“Yeah, I usually eat over at the bar,” I say, just as Madison walks out of the swinging doors that the staff would go in and out of.

She looks at me with a small smile and then goes over to her station almost ignoring me, but Gladys doesn’t miss a step.

“I see why you’re here; you’ve got a sweet tooth for Red,” she leans forward on her elbow into my space.

I look over to Madison and smile as our eyes catch and she glances down with rosy cheeks.

“Well, from the looks of it, she’s got a sweet tooth for you too.”

“You think so?” I ask swinging my head back to Gladys.

“Oh, honey, there’s a lot of fellas that come in and out of this town and I’ve never seen that girl give anyone beside her friends an ounce of time. But you sir, she’s looking at like she could snack on you all day long.”

“Oh, Gladys, now you’re just embarrassing me,” I playfully say to her.

“Darlin’, you don’t know that half of it,” she winks as she pulls out her notepad. “So, other than Red over there, what can I get for you today?”

“Is she giving you a hard time?” Madison asks walking up to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

“Oh no, she’s just filling me in on town gossip.”

Madison smiles and heads into the back as Gladys smacks her lips and hums with a knowing look.

“Oh yeah, honey. Looks like I was wrong, you aren’t a snack. You are the whole meal.”

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