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We’re laying naked on her floral duvet cover, Madison rolls from her back to over me, her bare pussy hovering over my vibrating cock. She fists my hardness and messes with one of the settings on the blue cock ring, then moves with me at her entrance before she slowly moves down and my cock is buried inside her warmth.

We let out a moan at the same time, as she arches her back, with one hand on the wall for support and the other on my chest. She begins to move up and down on me, finding her rhythm with my hands lightly guiding her tempo on her hips.

I move from underneath her, pumping my hips up to meet her bounce for bounce. I watch as she places her fingers against her clit and massages when she pulls up. She makes small sounds and heavy breaths while I groan loudly from the base of my throat.

She starts to move faster, rotating her pelvis when she lifts and slamming down to a grinding motion to get the vibrating piece to hit her clit for an extended period of time.

After a few minutes of the repetitive movements, our breaths became shallow and our movements joined are erratic and soon we both are whispering that we are about to come.

I lean my head back into the mattress and close my eyes as tingling begins from the base of my spine and spirals as I erupt.

She slowly moves up and down on me as the last of my orgasm is pulled out of me. With a lazy and satisfied smile on her face, she stops and sits with my cock inside of her to the hilt.

“What’s that look for?” I ask her once my eyes focus on her.

“I was just thinking about how I want to do that again, and again, and again.”

“I think that I can accommodate that, but how about without the cock ring?” I ask her.

“Didn’t like it?” she asks.

“My cock went numb at one point from all the vibrating,” I say with a laugh.

“Shit, well I know that we should have spoken about this previously, especially since we um, already had the sex. But I’m totally clean, like sparkling clean. You could take a white glove to me and I’m that clean.” she laughs awkwardly.

“I mean that’s a really weird description for how clean you are, but I get what you’re saying. And yeah, I could be just as clean, but I’m not going to compare myself to household cleaners.”

“Talk about romantic bedroom talk, I don’t know about you, but I think I’m totally horny again,” she laughs.

The next morning,I’m slowly waking up and recognizing that I’m not at home, but still at Madison’s house. We talked more last night, ate a late-night snack of Cheetos and ice cream in our underwear and then had a little more fun before we passed out for the rest of the night.

The space beside me is cold as I reach out to touch her. I roll over onto my back and turn my head to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside the empty space. It is still early, but I don’t want to look like a total slacker by sleeping when she’s likely been up for a while.

I slowly come to a sitting position, rub my eyes and stretch while standing. I look around the room for my clothing. I find my pants and then walk out of the bedroom, through the small hallway and into the main living space. I see Madison, wearing loose fitting sweats and a Henley baseball shirt. Her red hair is in a messy bun and she stands in front of the kitchen sink facing the wall staring at the coffee maker as it churns out the heavenly liquid from the gods.

Slowly, I walk up behind her, place my hands gently on her hips and feel her startle under my touch. She slowly turns and I see her breath return from heightened to normal.

“Morning. Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” I say to her with a smile.

“No, you didn’t. I was just deep in my thoughts. Good morning, do you want something to eat?” she asks.

“I was hoping we could go grab something to eat, what time do you need to be at work?” I ask her.

She looks over to the microwave clock and says, “I’ve got about forty minutes, sorry. I guess that’s not enough time for anything other than a bowl of cereal,” she says turning towards me with an apologetic look.

“It’s okay, what if I came into the diner with you and had breakfast?”

“That would be weird,” she laughs.

“Why?” I ask.

“Tip your waitress, it’s not like I’m a prostitute or anything, but that kind of would be weird.”

“Well, then I will not sit in your section. But I can’t promise that I won’t flirt with you or ogle you like a creep would.”

I followher into the diner and as she walks into the back of the diner, I grab a seat at the breakfast bar and grab a menu from the basket in front of me.

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