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Chapter Two

It feltlike minutes that we were in the air before touching down again. I close my eyes to focus on my breathing. Garrett sits beside me, taking my blood pressure and measuring my oxygen while checking my pulse in between tapping something out on his medical tablet.

When I open my eyes, I am looking at the blue sky with sporadic clouds above and the helicopter blades rotating as we rush toward the hospital entrance. We enter into an elevator, and I can feel the movement of the elevator descending as I lie on the gurney.

“If it’s not a heart attack, wouldn’t it have been smarter, or more economical for my insurance, to just take the ambulance?” I ask in the quiet.

“Even though the EKG demonstrated no heart attack, it’s preventative to assure that you’re seen as soon as possible. I sincerely doubt that it is a heart attack that you’re experiencing, but symptoms in women are much different than they are in men, and I would rather not take any chances, just in case,” Garrett explains calmly.

The elevator doors open and there are people dressed in scrubs awaiting our arrival.

“What do we have here?” a woman asks as she fixes the glove on her right hand.

“Twenty-eight year old female, chest pains, negative on heart attack via EKG, but precautionary as she’s still experiencing symptoms.”

They rattle off more medical terminology, and I grab the space under my breasts as the squeezing happens again. I’m wheeled into a brightly lit room, and the medical professionals around me do a countdown and then, by grabbing the sheet, they lift me in the air and transport me to the bed.

“Rhiannon, I hope everything is okay. These doctors will take it from here, you’re in good hands,” Garrett says as he leaves the room.

There’s a flurry of activity around me, many of the same questions, and then a repeat of the same tests. I’m exhausted from the commotion as this is more than enough excitement for me today. I’m asked to change out of my shirt and dress in a hospital gown. I’m covered again in wires. I have an IV attached to my right arm and vials of my blood sitting on the counter while a nurse types into the computer station.

“Dr. Mattias will be in to see you in a few minutes. He’s on the rotation for this morning in the ED, and he’s great,” she gushes.

“Um, Okay. Thanks for the quick Yelp review,” I reply quietly as she rushes out of the room. The door swings shut and then a thick arm pushes it open before it can close all the way.

In slow motion, the most beautiful man that I’ve ever seen enters the small hospital room. He’s carrying a clipboard, and with his other hand, he’s clicking the end of the pen as he leans against the wall and looks over the clipboard.

“Ms. Jones. I’m Luke Mattias; I’ll be your doctor today. I hear that you’re having some chest…pains?” he says, finally looking up at me. He schools his features and averts his eyes away from me then back to his clipboard.

“Yup,” I manage to say, even though my mouth is dry as fuck. The air whooshed out of the room as soon as he walked in, making the room feel like a dry desert, or it could just be him.

He clears his throat and nods his head. He grabs the stethoscope from around his neck as he approaches the bedside.

“If you are able, can you please sit up?” he asks, coming to the bedside.

He stands before me in dark blue scrubs, which fit his body perfectly. He has a jacket over his shirt with the hospital emblem on the breast area with his sleeves pushed up just below his elbow. He has short dark brown hair that is sticking up in all different ways, as if purposely. His light green eyes sparkle as he talks, and his smile, well - it could drop panties.

Now I understand the nurse’s Yelp review of him.

He must be quite popular around here.

“I’m going to listen to your heart; I’ll need you to take some deep breaths.” He moves the back of my gown and leans in.

“Deep breath in and out,” he says automatically. He moves the piece and listens to another part of my back and repeats the process a few more times until he’s satisfied.

“Well, Ms. Jones, have you done anything out of the normal from your usual routine?” he asks, coming to stand in front of me.

I think about my morning and shake my head. “I want to say that everything was business as normal.”

“What’s life like?” he asks.

“Pardon?” I tilt my head in confusion by this question.

“Do you stress a lot? Did maybe your boyfriend piss you off? Or girlfriend?”

“Oh, no. I think I have just about as much stress as the next person, but nothing more than usual. At least nothing is coming to mind right now.”

“Boyfriend? Girlfriend?” he asks again, his professional demeanor slipping.

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