Page 13 of The Brute

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Signing contracts took longer than I wanted it to. I was anxious to get back to Bella and to continue what we started in the kitchen. We have so much to discuss about our arrangement or whatever this would become between us. I am confident we can keep our private lives separate from work, but I know she is still fearful that our private entanglement may endanger her job. I need to reassure her that regardless of the nature of our relationship, nothing that happens outside of the workplace will harm her position with the company or my view of her as a respected employee.

I’m a closed-off man and nothing from my personal life seeps into the workplace. If that were the case, my entire history would be widely known at Adams Enterprises. My past is in the past, since the tragedies that have in my life, I became disconnected and therefore my life is a mystery to everyone. Little has spilled into the media as I paid a hefty amount to have some of the information changed from actual events. I refuse to have anything that occurs between Bella and myself to not become headline news as well.

After I escort Mr. Su’Dial out of the penthouse, I go looking for Bella. I find her on the couch in the sitting room with her shoes off and her feet tucked under her. She’s reading a magazine that has adorned the coffee table for months. I take a seat beside her and smile. My hand goes to her knee and my other arm drapes over the couch behind her head.

“I’m sorry. That took longer than I was hoping. He asked questions that I had already answered for him. Then he started talking sports. I’m sorry to make you wait.”

“It’s okay. I know how you are when it comes to you and business.” She returns my smile with her reply.

“Now, to a topic I would rather concentrate on.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” She puts down the magazine and turns her body towards me before giving me an impish smile.

“The topic of you and me.”

As we discuss what we each want out of a potential relationship, I do my best to reassure her regarding her concerns about our ongoing status as boss and employee.

Something about having her beside me in my space relaxes me. She makes me feel like I don’t need to be on edge and in charge at all times. I can’t explain what it is about her that calms me, but it makes me feel human again, rather than the way I usually feel, which is more like a machine, programmed to have everything organized at all times, to have all the facts nailed down, and to be prepared for every scenario. I don’t feel the pressure to have laid out and planned.

I want to press against her again, but I don’t want her to think I’ve got a one-track mind. While it is frequently true, right now I need to pay attention to her cues. She looks exhausted and I note the late hour on my watch.

“You have two choices right now, Bella. You can either stay the night here and I’ll have a car drive you home before work, or I can call a car right now to take you home. She looks at me while she contemplates her response, as if she’s trying to figure out my motives.

“I think it would be best if I went home tonight.”

I nod and pull out my phone. I call my driver and give him instructions, then place the phone on the table.

“The car will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Do you have a driver at your disposal at all times?” she asks.

“My driver lives in the building.”

“Shit. You didn’t wake him up or anything, did you?” she asks with concern.

“This is his job,” I say simply.

“How many other women has he driven home so late at night?”

I open my mouth and her hand flies up. “Wait, no. That’s none of my business.”

“You would be the first,” I say to reassure her. A smile forms on her face, then contorts into confusion.

“Right,” she says.

“I’m being honest. I haven’t. Truthfully, you’re the first woman, aside from my household staff, who has been in my home in years.”

“Why is that?”

“Stay the night and I’ll tell you,” I tease.

“Nice try. You don’t always get what you want, Ben,” she replies playfully.

“Can’t blame me for trying.”

* * *

Several days speed by before Bella and I have a chance to be alone together outside of the office. We’ve shared looks here and there, but with her knowing my schedule - we haven’t yet touched the new part of our relationship, our personal relationship outside of work.

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