Page 12 of The Brute

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“See, that. What does it mean? You’re my boss, but if we were to be, you know, intimate, would you still be my boss?”

“Business and pleasure are two separate things for me. It would mean that at work, I’m still your boss. But when we are not at work, we’re equals.”

She backs into the counter behind her and my arms cage her in.

“Equals,” she repeats

“Equals,” I confirm.

“And what we do outside of work?”

“Will cause absolutely no interference in what we do at work.”


“Okay?” I ask, making sure to get full clarification before proceeding. Giving her the last option to back out, not that I want her to by any means.

“It means yes.”

“I can’t tell you how much I was hoping to hear you say that,” I growl as a I lean into her. I run my nose up the slope of her neck, and she tilts her head to make it easier for me. Once I get to her ear, I pull her earlobe into my mouth and tug with my teeth.

“Rules, Ben. We need rules,” she breathes.

“After. I need you first. I've been thinking about tasting you for so long. I just need to taste you.

Her breathing is shaky as I pepper kisses along her jaw until I reach her mouth. I tentatively kiss her juicy lips, trying to take my time and relish this kiss. Unfortunately, the animal in me has shown his claws, and with my next kiss, my body presses against hers and my tongue dives into her mouth seeking hers.

I growl in satisfaction as our tongues clash together in animalistic pleasure. Her arms drape around my shoulders, wrapping together at my neck, as I lift her and place her on top of the counter. Now she’s at the perfect height for me to fuck her right here and now. As her lips move over mine, nipping at my lower lip, I consider doing just that.

The sound of a chime interrupts the kiss and has me pulling back from her with an annoyed groan and waiting for the voice to begin.

Angus, my electronic home system, recites its scripted alert. “Sir? You have a visitor requesting your presence in the foyer.”

I meet Bella’s eyes and find curiosity and concern there. I inhale and try to compose myself before speaking to the overhead voice.

“Angus, is this a life or death matter? Or can this be taken care of with a phone call,” I speak into the room.

“Sir, you have a business associate waiting for you. A Mr. Su’Dial. His visit is unexpected. He is here with contracts that need your attention.”

Bella seems impressed. “That’s oddly specific of Alexa to have those details.”

“Ma’am, my name is Angus. I am a superior model of technology far more expansive than Alexa. I was built none other than by Mr. Benjamin Adams, himself,” the overhead voice responds immediately.

She feigns embarrassment and stifles a laugh.

“Angus is my house system. I developed it last year. Angus is very touchy about being mistaken for Alexa,” I explain to Bella. “Thank you, Angus. Please inform Mr. Su’Dial that I will be with him momentarily. Please chime for Mrs. Rosemary to lead him into the library and offer him a drink while he waits,” I instruct.

“Very well, sir,” Angus says, followed by the end chime, which echoes through the kitchen.

“Very impressive.” She smiles. “I should get going. I just wanted to – I don’t know – see you and talk about my decision before I lost my nerve.”

“You don’t have to leave yet. This business will be quick. Then we can talk about us and what this is.”

“I really should get home. I’ve got a tyrant for a boss.”

“Stay, Bella. We have so much to talk about,” I request, my hand on her knee.

* * *

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