Page 14 of The Brute

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I plan to change all that this weekend, which begins in two hours. I had flowers delivered to her desk around lunchtime with a note asking her to pack a weekend bag and be ready for the car to pick her up at seven tonight. She hasn’t responded to or denied my request. She didn’t even act differently when we sat in a meeting together shortly after the flower delivery, but she did say thank you to me quietly as she passed by on the way to her chair across from me.

The fragrance of those flowers traveled throughout the office and attracted attention from each passersby, several of whom stopped by Bella's office to ask her about the lovely blooms and chat with her. I hope she isn’t bothered by the attention.

As I am packing up my satchel for the day, my cell chimes with a text. I swipe the screen and see that Henry texted. We chatted for five minutes at the gala about nothing in particular and made tentative plans to get together. This must be his ask.

Henry: Bocce ball this weekend?

Who the hell still plays bocce ball? I think to myself as I roll my eyes.

Me: Have wknd plans. Raincheck?

H: Anyone I know?


H: Srsly?

Me: Yes! NOYB.

H: This whole town is my biz. Including you.

Me: Not this time. Call me next week.

I exit my office, and Bella sits up straight as she sees me approaching her office.

“‘Til six,” I say, rapping my knuckles on the doorway.

She nods and I see her stifle a smile before I turn and walk to the elevator. I can feel her eyes on me and I confirm it when I turn around once I'm standing in the elevator. Our eyes lock on one another until the doors close and the lift is taking me down to ground level.

My phone chimes again. I pull it out of my pocket, ready to give Henry the middle finger emoji, when I see Bella’s name on the screen.

Bella: 'Til six

I don’t reply to her; I don’t want to appear too eager. Instead, I walk out of the building to the car waiting for me at the curb. I hand my bag to Wayne, my driver and get into the back. It’s not long before the door opens and I’m in the underground parking in front of the elevator. I note the time on my watch and turn to Wayne standing stoically as he holds my door for me.

“Thank you Wayne, tonight, I need you to pick up Isabella Dubois. She will need to be picked up by seven, her address is the same that you dropped her off to last week. She will have a bag with her. Please make sure the bag is brought up to the penthouse when you bring her back here.”

“Yes, sir,” he replies, his face showing no emotion.

“Then, for the remainder of the weekend, you are off duty. I won’t need your services until Sunday evening. I don't plan to leave the building and all the food should be already prepped.”

“Sir.” He nods as I walk away.

Angus greets me once I enter my home. He rattles off statistics of stocks for the day until I enter the kitchen. Mrs. Rosemary is at the stove stirring something in a pot and turns to me as I open the fridge.

“Hello, dear. You’re home early,” she observes.

“Isabella will be joining me this weekend. If you can see that dinner tonight has enough for two, along with any other meals you’ve prepared for me this weekend. I apologize for the late notice.” My voice is suddenly tight. I’m not comfortable with the way her eyes light up as I started talking.

“The whole weekend, sir?” she asks.

“Correct. And after you finish for tonight, Wayne can drive you home, if you like. We do not wish to be bothered for the weekend,” I say.

Her eyes light up again.

“Sir, I’m happy to hear this. Very well, will eggplant parmesan be satisfactory for you this evening? I have the sauce almost finished, and I can make sure everything is ready for timing for when you would like to eat dinner. The seasonal vegetables and the pasta should be ready for you when you wish.”

“That’s perfect. Thank you.”

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