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An almost bashful beam is flashed prior to him announcing, “I promise you this isn’t a Q moment. I’m not here to create chaos in your life for mere amusement.” He lets his hands find their way to his pants pockets. “Lauren means too much to me – to all of us – to ever even consider harming you in any way.”

Despite it being the sincerity in his tone that convinces me to trust him, I pretend it’s not for my own sake. “I’m only trusting your word because you’re a clearly a fellow Trekkie.”

Mr. Reese lets a mirth-filled grin grace his face. “That’s honestly the first time a female’s ever said that to me.”

“Then you haven’t been chasing the right females.”

Small chuckles hit my ears prior to him professing, “And that’s honestly not the first time a female has said that to me.”

We both engage in light laughs and head towards the nearby vehicle.

Upon our arrival, the short-haired, sand skin toned male, gives the handle to the backseat a quick tug, exposing the empty leather filled interior. “Is everything a go, Reese?”

“We actually need a minute alone to confer.”

His stoic demeanor remains in his expression as much as his tone. “You know how important punctuality is to him.”

“We’ve been friends since we were eight, Hurst.” Another round of amusement threatens to show itself. “I’m more than aware that he’s still struggling to cope with his lack of time control powers.”

“I’d rather breathe under water,” I offhandedly announce and flash a toothy grin at the individual now observing me. “And you should lighten up, Lurch. Whatever’s going on probably isn’t life or death.”


“Is what you would be driving if it were the latter.”

One eye noticeably twitches in irritation.

“You don’t know how your smile muscles work anymore, do you?”

He leans slightly forward at the same time he bites, “I get paid not to smile, Miss Winters.”

“Is it lucrative?” Knowing his chosen movement is merely a shitty tactic to try to intimidate me only causes me to push back. “Is that why you sent the WWE your audition tape, big fella?”

This time both eyes narrow in disapproval prompting Reese to forcefully move us along, “Give us two minutes, Hurst.”

“At least you need more than one to get the job done,” I playfully taunt during my slip inside.

“Can you hear the things coming out of your mouth?” Reese teasingly jabs in return, closing the door behind him.

“Of course, I’m loud and crass, not deaf.” My back hits the seat in tandem with my bag plopping between my legs. “And before you waste your breath on some asinine speech about being well-mannered or ladylike or some other outdated notion where I shouldn’t swear or show my stomach or be proud of my sexual confidence, let me make something Star Trek: The Original Series clear for you.” Attaching my gaze to his is done next. “I have enough decency to be honest about who I am to strangers as much as those I call friends. I have enough integrity to live authentically despite how uncomfortable it may make others feel at times. And most importantly…the only approval I need in a world that has the balls to constantly tell you it’s okay to be whoever you are while simultaneously telling you that you’ll never be good enough until you’re like someone…is my own.” An indifferent shrug bounces my shoulders. “And I approve of my sass, sarcasm, and slightly twisted sense of humor.”

Honestly why bother wasting time pretending to be someone you’re not? Why give a fuck what the world thinks? Fact is…the only person who has to wake up to me every day is me.

Might as well love and enjoy me.

I’m obviously not going anywhere.

Plus, again, I’m a fucking delight.

The awe on his face manages to seep into that of his voice, “Wes needs you.”

“Who the fuck is Wes?” My fingers thoughtlessly gravitate to fidget with my silver charm airplane necklace I rarely take off. “And what the fuck does he have to do with my mom?”

“Wes is her boss.”

“Thought his name was Wilcox.”

“Wes Wilcox.”

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