Page 57 of His to Win

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I focus on Milano who purses his lips then slowly shakes his head.

“No fucking way,” his older son growls. “I’d put those bastards six feet under.”

“They’d be dead,” the younger son agrees. “But I wouldn’t involve the cops.”

“So what’re you saying? We should’ve killed Romeo, too?” Angelo asks. “Even though he had put his weapon down and was no longer a threat?”

The tension in the room is so thick, so taut, that it feels like a rubberband on the verge of snapping.

“Who fired the kill shot?” Uncle Sal asks again.

Shit. “It doesn’t matter,” I say, turning to face my great uncle with pleading eyes. “What matters is that my life and Enzo’s life were in danger. Tommaso pointed his gun at me, Uncle Sal, and he would’ve shot and killed me. And not only me.”

Everyone is looking at me and I pull in a deep, steadying breath.

“He would’ve killed the baby I’m carrying, too,” I finish.

Well, that does it. Chaos erupts and everyone starts talking over everyone else. Except for me and Enzo, no one else knew that I was pregnant, so this is a bit of a bombshell. And, I’m hoping in a good way.

Of course, the Rossi’s all get up and hug me and slap Enzo on the back, full of good wishes. Carlotta pulls me into a warm embrace, her eyes tearing up. “I’m so happy for you both,” she gushes.

“Sit down!” Uncle Sal demands and slams a hand against the table causing everything to rattle. My gaze snaps over to him and I have no idea what he’s thinking. “Gabriella Maria Bianche, do you love Enzo Rossi?”

“Yes, very much so,” I state in a loud voice for all to hear.

My great uncle turns his attention to Enzo. “And Enzo, do you love my great niece?”

“With all my heart,” he responds without hesitation. “And, with your permission, I’m going to marry her.”

“Permission granted,” Uncle Sal responds immediately in a gruff voice and my jaw drops.

Enzo lowers himself down onto one knee, takes my hand in his and looks up at me. Meanwhile, my head is spinning. What is going on? Everything is happening so fast and all I can do is blink and close my gaping jaw.

“Gabriella Bianche, from the moment I first saw you, I was captivated,” Enzo says, dark eyes shining with so much love it makes my heart clench. “Your fire drew me to you and I knew I had to get to know you better. I almost got burned a few times—” A couple of people chuckle. “—but I learned how special you are and I now know that you’re the only woman for me. I can’t imagine my life without you, Bri, and I’m not letting you go. Ever. I hope that’s okay.”

The corner of his mouth edges up and I smile so big my face hurts. “I think that’ll be alright,” I whisper and squeeze his hand.

“Does that mean you’ll marry me?”

“You haven’t asked yet,” I say teasingly.

“Gabriella Maria Bianche, will you marry me?”

“Yes, I would love to marry you,” I say and he pops up, lifts me right off the ground and spins me in a circle. I throw my head back and laugh, forgetting about everyone else in the room. Right now, it’s just me and the man I love. The man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, and I can’t wait.

“Well, this is all fine and dandy,” Caparelli’s oldest son says, “but spilling family blood should be punished. It’s unacceptable. Who killed Tommaso? No one ever answered the question.”

“No need,” Uncle Sal states and I look over at him, breath held as Enzo slowly lowers me to the ground. “Tommaso, as well as Rocco, are solely responsible for their own fates. They chose to target other members of this Alliance and they didn’t succeed. As much as I hate to say it, that’s on them. And Romeo was foolish enough to get involved and now he can deal with the law. I suggest the rest of us learn how to get along better so this doesn’t happen again. Capisce?”

Wary looks are exchanged all around the room and then people slowly nod in agreement. I don’t think we will all ever get along perfectly, but now that the bad apples are gone, I think there’s a very good chance that the Five Families can move forward together and, at the same time, learn how to protect each other’s interests and respect one another.

My Uncle Sal walks up to us and I feel like a little girl again, hoping not to get chastised. “You know, the women who really change the game are the ones who no one knows what to do with, at first. Do you know what to do with my great niece, Rossi?”

Enzo turns his attention to me and smiles. “I do now, sir.”

“Very good,” Uncle Sal says gruffly. Then Enzo leans down and kisses me in front of everyone, showing them that I’m his woman, soon to be wife, and no one better mess with us ever again.

God, I love this man.

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