Page 49 of His to Win

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“The only one around here who’s going to die tonight is you,” Tommaso spits.

Yeah, well we’ll see about that, I think, discreetly twisting at the bindings around my wrists.

“Get the stuff,” Tommaso orders his cousin.


I watch Romeo head back outside to the SUV and wonder what they’re planning.

“I thought you were going to shoot me,” I comment dryly.

“That’s too easy, Rossi. I have something much more fun planned for you.”

Great. Exactly what I don’t want to hear. But at least it gives me more time and a fighting chance. A bullet between the eyes does not.

After a couple of minutes, Romeo reappears carrying some things and I squint through the gloom, trying to identify whatever is in the large bucket in his arms. My questions are all answered the moment he turns it upside down and dumps it out.

Gloves and cement mix. Oh, for fuck’s sakes. What is this? The Godfather?

I’m about to ask that very question when they both turn to me, hate shining in their eyes. Then they launch themselves at me and begin hitting me with their fists like I’m some kind of damn punching bag. My arms are tied down to the chair, so I can’t do anything to block their vicious blows. My head snaps sideways and I try to turn my body, but end up getting punched in the ribs. Really fucking hard. They’re not holding back and their curses fill the air as they continue pounding me with angry fists.

Without much room to maneuver or defend myself, I launch a leg out and manage to kick Romeo in the groin. He gasps and drops to the ground, holding his balls. Then I snap my foot out again and catch Tommaso in the upper thigh, just missing my intended hit to the crotch. He hisses a foul word, grabs my ankle and twists. I kick out again, shaking his grip loose, and plant my feet flat on the ground, shoving backwards with all my might. The chair scoots back and I continue moving backwards, the legs scraping across the ground.

We’re in a boathouse, so I’ve got two ways out of here: back out the front door or jump in the water and swim away. But with my hands tied to this damn chair, swimming isn’t an option. So I’m scooting like hell toward the door. With each thump of the chair legs on the ground, I’m tugging hard at the rope wrapped around my wrists and it’s loosening a little. But, not enough. If I can just make it out that door then maybe I can yell for help and draw attention to the situation.

My goal is cut short when Tommaso stalks over, grabs the chair and drags me right over to the edge of the dock. He tips the chair backwards, allowing me to hang over the water, and I’m not sure if he expects me to be scared or beg for my life or what. Nope, not my style. Instead, I just look up at him, my gaze focused, defiant and feral. Internally, I’m screaming, “Do it, motherfucker!” I’m daring him with my eyes—let the chair go and send me crashing backwards into the water. Go ahead.

Would I sink like a brick? Sure, probably. But maybe not quite as fast as I would if I let them get to the next step of their twisted plan and cement my feet into that blasted bucket.

Tommaso lets the front legs of the chair drop back down to the deck with a thud. He growls, staring at me with so much loathing, but I don’t give him the satisfaction of reacting.

“Enough of this shit,” he growls. “Romeo! Bring the bucket over here!”

I’m not sure I can stall them any longer, but I’m going to give it a try.

“Think about what you’re doing,” I say. “Killing me won’t accomplish anything except sending you two both to jail. Is that where you want to spend the rest of your lives? Rotting away in some cell?”

“Shut up,” Tommaso snarls.

I focus my attention on Romeo, knowing he’s the weaker of the two cousins. If anyone is going to listen to reason and possibly cave, it’s him.

“Romeo, listen to me. I understand you’re upset about what happened to Rocco, but he’s gone. Nothing you do will bring him back. By killing me, you’re only hurting yourself and your family and the people who love you. Don’t you have a new girlfriend? Do you really want to lose her?”

I can pretty much guarantee that whatever was happening between Romeo and Gabriella’s friend will be over after she finds out about this. But, Bri mentioned Lili and how disappointed she was that the two of them were dating. Yes, I agreed with her that Romeo was a dick, but Lili needed to learn that for herself. Well, if this doesn’t do it then nothing will.

I see the way Romeo hesitates, so I keep at him just like I would do if I were in a meeting. As a shark, I can smell when there’s blood in the water and I know exactly when to strike. And, right now? There’s blood in the water AKA Romeo’s face is full of doubts.

Tommaso must see it, too, because he shoves the bucket into his cousin’s hands and tells him to go fill it with water. Again, Romeo hesitates.

“You aren’t guilty of anything yet, Romeo,” I remind him. “But you will be arrested as an accomplice to murder if you keep obeying Tommaso. Do you understand what that means?” Romeo turns his full attention to me and waivers. “It means you’ll spend the rest of your life in a very small prison cell. Is that what you want? Is it? Because?—”

“I said shut the fuck up!” Tommaso lashes out, swinging a fist and hitting me upside the head.

Fuck. My vision narrows into a pinprick and I see stars on black. Don’t pass out, don’t pass out, don’t pass out. I keep telling myself that because if I do then it’s game over. Very slowly my vision rights itself and the gloomy boathouse comes back into view.

When Romeo returns with a bucket full of water, I know I’m in trouble. I don’t have my phone, the ropes are still too tight to break free from and I’m quickly running out of options. Plus, I’m starting to feel the effects of them beating me up earlier. Everything aches and when I shift in the chair, a pain shoots through my mid section. Fuckers probably bruised a couple of ribs.

“This is what you deserve,” Tommaso growls, ripping the cement mix open and dumping it into the bucket. “Miceli killed my brother and you fucked Gabriella. We know all about that. I’ve always questioned her decisions, so I can’t say I’m surprised. She isn’t the smartest.”

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