Page 48 of His to Win

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It’s funny how clear everything suddenly becomes right before that terrifying moment of potential loss. I just pray it’s not too late and that Angelo and I make it in time to save my man. Because the alternative is unacceptable. I refuse to accept anything other than Enzo in my arms tonight, his warm, firm body pressed to mine.

We have far too much going on together and I need him in a way that I’ve never needed another person. The connection we share is so much more than mere chemistry. I feel him on such a soul-deep level and I need him in my life every single day.

“I’m coming, Enzo,” I whisper, finally entering Brooklyn.

I’ve never rescued anyone before in my life, but here we go. Heart in my throat, blood thrumming through my veins, I park in the shadows near the pier where Angelo told me to meet him. Reaching over I pop the glove box and pull out the knife I keep in there. Just in case. Then I open my door and slip out.

Please help me find him, I plead and send a little prayer up to my dad. If anyone loved and protected me just as much as Enzo, it was my father. And I’m pretty sure he would want Enzo here to do the same.

Please, Dad. I need your help.



Ihave no idea where Tommaso and Romeo are taking me, but I’m starting to feel movement again and I squeeze my hands into fists, thankful I can move again. Of course, it’s not nearly enough to fight or defend myself and I feel numb and tingly all over. I’m not sure how many times that fucker Romeo zapped me.

The SUV finally stops and the doors fling open and then quickly shut up front. When the back door opens, I pretend I still can’t move. A pair of hands yank me out and they half-drag, half-carry me toward a dark boathouse. A quick sweep of the area tells me we’re at the docks. I hear the water lapping and the occasional mournful sound of a boat horn somewhere off in the foggy night. Boats and planks creak as we enter the small shack.

The cousins shove me down into a wooden chair. I’m waiting patiently to see what their next move will be. And it’s exactly what I want. Romeo removes a knife from a sheath on his belt and slices through the zip ties around my wrists. Using the element of surprise to my advantage, I fist my hands and swing them upwards with all my might. I’m still a little shaky from all the jolts I received from the taser, but I hit my mark and Romeo goes flying backwards with a loud grunt.

Pulling myself up out of the chair, I stagger forward and kick hard, catching Romeo beneath his chin. His head snaps back and he flies onto his back. By this time, Tommaso has caught on to what’s happening and he throws himself at me, tackling me down. We roll across the floor, swinging at each other. I manage to get the upper hand and a few good hits in before Romeo jumps into the fray.

Goddammit. This two against one bullshit pisses me off. Even though I fight hard, they manage to grab me and drag me back into the chair. I’m still struggling when Tommaso pulls a gun out and points it in my face.

“I’ll do it!” he screams, shaking the weapon at me, finger on the trigger.

I slump back in the wooden chair and send him a death look. “What the fuck is all this about?” I ask, my voice low and lethal.

“Do you really have to ask?” Tommaso practically spits his words at me. They’re dripping with venom and I know this is about Rocco or some bullshit, but I figure it’s best to keep them talking.

“I didn’t kill Rocco,” I remind them, watching as Romeo steps forward with a coil of rope. As he begins tying my wrists to the chair arms, I pull in a deep breath, trying to remain calm and in control. I’m smarter than these two idiots combined and I will figure out a way to beat them and escape.

I have too much to live for now. Gabriella is my world and I’m not about to lose her.

“Yeah, your brother did,” Romeo says.

No shit, I want to say, but I keep my mouth closed, not wanting to antagonize them. Not yet, anyway.

“Your brother,” I say, directing my attention to Tommaso, “kidnapped my sister-in-law and attempted to murder my brother. Miceli reacted out of self-preservation and love for his wife.”

“Rocco was supposed to marry Alessia! She belonged to him and Miceli stole her away. He deserved to be punished and Rocco should’ve had the wife he was promised,” Tommaso insists.

God, he’s delusional.

“Miceli loves Alessia,” I say, striving to sound calm and rational, but my control is slipping fast. “They have a baby. Your brother tried to destroy all of that. He was a narcissistic, selfish asshole. He got what was coming to him.”

Okay, maybe I went a little too far with that. But, I don’t give a shit. These two assholes are pissing me off.

“That’s where we disagree. Alessia belonged to Rocco?—”

“She didn’t belong to anyone!” I yell. “She’s not some kind of chattel who goes to the highest bidder.” That fits Hannah, Vin’s wife, better than Alessia. Ah, the White Auction. What a fucked up thing that turned out to be, but I digress.

“Her father promised her to my brother. And that promise was broken and disrespected by Miceli. Now my family wants revenge. Starting with you.”

Tommaso takes a step closer, his gun still aimed at me, but I don’t flinch or let him see any kind of fear or weakness. If he thinks I’m going down without a fight, he’s wrong. I suppose I can’t do much against a bullet, but I refuse to back down in any way. Lifting my chin, I meet his gaze head-on.

“Let it die with Rocco,” I advise, hoping they will see reason. But I’m not going to hold my breath.

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