Page 46 of His to Win

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Romeo shrugs then says, “Sorry not sorry.”

He hits the button and my entire body thrashes when the metal prongs make contact. My eyes close and I ride through the initial pain. This sucks ass. I’m just glad Gabriella is safe because I don’t trust these two clowns any further than I can throw them.



After Lili leaves, I receive Enzo’s text and smile.

How are you feeling? I’m off to grab you some sustenance then coming over to make sure you rest. Although I might be persuaded to join you in bed…if you’re feeling up to it. (devil emoji)

I can’t help but laugh. First of all, Enzo has never used an emoji and this one seems quite fitting. And, second, when did he become so sweet? My heart constricts. He truly cares about me and he proved it when he walked away from Doug Holloway’s offer.

Enzo won. He beat me and, at first, I was miffed. No doubt about it. I’d been convinced that I needed to have Holloway Corp. in order to prove to myself and my family that I was a good businesswoman who could be just as smart and successful as all the men.

But, after much consideration, I came to the conclusion that I don’t want to be anyone’s second choice. I’m good enough to be first pick. When Doug called me earlier, told me Enzo backed out and offered to sell Holloway to me, I was stunned. Now that I’ve had time to consider what exactly that means, I reach for my phone.


“Mr. Holloway, it’s Gabriella Bianche.” I purposely use my last name because I want to remind him who I am, who my family is, and the power we have in this city. Maybe we aren’t as feared as the Rossi’s or not quite as revered as the Milano’s, but when people hear Bianche, they know we’re just as powerful as the others.

“Gabriella, how nice to hear from you. We’re still signing the paperwork tomorrow morning, right?”

I can hear a bit of anxiety in his voice and I can’t help but smile. “Mr. Holloway, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to pass. Sorry, but I’m no longer interested in acquiring your company.”

“W-what?” he stutters in disbelief.

“That’s right.” I keep my voice crisp and professional. I’m no longer interested in hearing his lies about how he can’t get over the loss of his beloved wife or how much family means to him. It was all a gimmick, a sales ploy to create empathy.

“But I thought we had a deal.” His voice rises and I can hear how upset he’s getting, but I don’t care.

“I want to make one thing crystal clear to you—I am no one’s second choice and I do not appreciate being strung along.”

A heavy sigh fills the line. “You spoke with Enzo? Well, he completely misunderstood what I was saying. All I meant was?—”

“I don’t care. Good luck selling your floundering company, Mr. Holloway.” I hang up the phone and drop back against my couch cushions. God, it feels so good to have told him off like that. My hands cover my flat stomach and I think about the life now growing inside it. I don’t need Holloway or his stupid company. As long as I have Enzo and our baby, I’m absolutely fine.

Do I have Enzo, though? I let out a little breath. We’re going to have a long talk tonight. He thinks he’s merely coming over to take care of a sick person but, really, he’s about to find out he’s going to be a father. I hope he handles the news well.

I glance down at my watch and see it’s going on six o’clock already. Enzo is never late, so I’m a little surprised. Especially since he promised to be here with dinner. I type out a quick text and hit send: Running late? Hurry up…I miss you. And you’re definitely going to be joining me in bed.

I can’t resist adding the devil emoji.

He normally messages me back immediately, so after ten minutes passes and I haven’t heard from him, I start to worry. I suppose he could’ve gotten caught in traffic or maybe his phone isn’t within reach. He should be in his car, though, and almost here. I pull up his number and hit send. It rings and rings then drops me into voicemail.

Huh. That’s strange.

I shouldn’t panic, but worry floods me for some odd reason. Enzo can take care of himself, so why am I suddenly having worst-case scenario thoughts. My heart twists and I keep picturing him hurt or in some kind of trouble. Which is silly, of course. Enzo is the strongest man I know.

But my gut is always right.

Shit. I call him again and then again.

“Please, pick up,” I whisper. But, no, the call drops into voicemail again. A quick glance at my watch and I see it’s almost 6:20 pm. He’s nearly an hour late and he didn’t call or message. Something is definitely wrong.

What should I do? After debating for a minute, I decide to drive over to his place. I’m grabbing my purse when my phone starts ringing in my hand. My hopes soar and I look down, needing to see his name flashing across the screen, but instead, I see it’s Lili.

“Hi, Lili,” I answer, hurrying to the door.

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