Page 45 of His to Win

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Well, if things go according to my plan, I’m hoping Bri will become family sooner rather than later. As in…my wife.

I give my head a hard shake, toss my overnight bag over my shoulder, and it occurs to me that I might be heading fast into very dangerous territory. I’m no longer talking about falling in love. I’m talking about being in love. I’m thinking about her as mine and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, through thick and thin. Thoughts like these should have me breaking out in a sweat and panicking, but quite the opposite is happening.

A sense of rightness and comfort and so much freaking love fills me. And, for the first time, I understand how Miceli and Vin fell so hard and so fast for their ladies. They both had issues and problems to deal with, of course, but they didn’t hesitate when it came to protecting the women they love. And, they also didn’t hesitate in making them their wife and, shocker, knocking them up. Miceli and Alessia have a handsome son and that little munchkin is the apple of my entire family’s eye. Hannah and Vin are expecting twins and I know it’s going to be a handful, but we’re all prepared to step in and help when they need it.

When I think about having a son or daughter, my chest tightens. Not because I think I’m ready for kids or that I even really want one, but because I imagine it will be half me and half Bri. And what could be more amazing than that? Creating something as precious as a baby from our love?

“Fuck,” I hiss and swipe up my keys. Either I’ve turned into the world’s biggest sap or I’m so in love with Gabriella that I can barely see straight. Suddenly I smile the biggest smile. It’s so damn huge that my poor face hurts.

I’m in love with Gabriella.

It’s the only explanation for the insane feelings and emotions swirling around inside of me. I’ve never been in love before, so I have nothing to compare this to. However, when I think about Gabriella, everything seems to light up within and around me and I almost feel…giddy. It’s like I can’t wait to see her again and be able to wrap her up in my arms. All I want to do is hold her, kiss her and take her straight to bed. But I also want to talk to her and get to know her even better. I want to have long, leisurely conversations with her and I want to find out her secrets and why she is the person she is. I want her to share everything with me—her heart, mind, body and soul.

Am I asking too much, too soon? Is she willing to take this kind of risk and open herself up to me? Christ, I hope so. Because when I think about my life, Gabriella is in it. End of story.

As a businessman, I’m used to taking risks. Some are more well-calculated and researched. Others are a gut instinct, and I’ve discovered my gut is rarely wrong. And, right now, my gut and heart are telling me that Gabriella is going to be mine. My brain just needs to catch up and stop having doubts.

After locking my door, I take the stairs down to the garage and think about how she seemed a little off earlier. I can’t help but wonder if she’s upset with me, mad even, for backing out of the Holloway deal. I don’t care, though. Staying in and risking losing her forever wasn’t worth it. Fuck Doug Holloway and his boy’s club. I don’t want or need it. All I need is Bri.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a quick text off to Gabriella: How are you feeling? I’m off to grab you some sustenance then coming over to make sure you rest. Although I might be persuaded to join you in bed…if you’re feeling up to it. (devil emoji)

I’ve never sent an emoji in my life. What is happening to me?

Completely tangled up in my thoughts about Gabriella, I’m not paying attention to anything else. Including the two dark shadows that move up on either side of me. I’m barely five steps into the garage when something zaps me and I go down hard, dropping my phone, and the side of my face hits the pavement.

What the fuck?

I try to get up, ready to fight off my attackers, but confusion fills me when I realize that I can’t move. My muscles refuse to work. Panic shoots through me and no matter how hard I try to get up, my body refuses to cooperate.

Unable to defend myself or move at all, I see a pair of boots step into my view. I also hear voices when they begin to talk and it takes me a second to recognize who my attackers are—Tommaso and Romeo Bianche.

Fuckers. A heavy boot kicks me in the ribs before they jerk me up off the ground and start dragging me toward an SUV. They must’ve hit me with a taser. I’m so angry right now, my vision blurs, the edges a hazy red. What a bunch of cowards. They didn’t want to risk fighting me again because I’m a lot fucking tougher than I look in my designer suit.

I want to start talking shit, but the trash talk stays in my head because I can’t speak yet. Every muscle has shut down on me and it’s a scary feeling. But, from what I know, the effects shouldn’t last longer than?—

They shove me into the back seat and, once again, my entire body jolts as it’s shocked by the taser for a second time. Fuckers aren’t taking any chances this time around. Unfortunately, Angelo is nowhere around to help me out.

I’m on my own.

“How’s that feel, Rossi?” Tommaso asks nastily. “You’re lucky I didn’t tase your dick. I will, too. So behave yourself or you’re getting an electric jolt right in the crotch.”

He cackles as if that’s the most hysterical thing in the world and Romeo joins in with the laughter. I’m not sure how long this paralyzing sensation is going to last, but I think it should start wearing off within a few minutes. As long as they don’t tase me again.

They flip me onto my back and I watch helplessly as they zip tie my wrists together. I suppose I still have my feet free, so that’s a good thing. Because right now, I’m one step away from kicking one of these two in the mouth and hopefully cracking a bunch of teeth out.

I can’t do it yet, though, and it’s better if I pretend to stay immobile for as long as possible. Within minutes, I begin feeling a tingling sensation in my fingers and I manage to clench my hands into fists. I have no idea where we’re going or what crazy plan these two psychos have come up with, but I’m confident in my fighting skills.

Of course, they need to give me a fighting chance or I’ll be going nowhere fast. Just as that thought goes through my head, Romeo turns around in the passenger seat, lifts the taser and gives it a little shake.

“Ready for some more, Rossi?” he taunts, and Tommaso howls beside him in the driver’s seat.

I want to fucking kill these two assholes.

“Hit him,” Tommaso says. “We can’t risk him getting movement back.”

“He’s zip tied,” Romeo states, full of confidence. “Where do you think he’s gonna go?”

“I don’t know, but he’s a sneaky sonofabitch. Tase his ass again.”

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