Page 42 of His to Win

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“Because you deserve it.”

“I won by default. That hardly counts.”

“Of course it counts, honey. Once you sign the papers, it’s all yours. Doesn’t really matter how it happened.”

“It does, though,” she insists. “Doug didn’t really choose me. He wanted you.”

“Who cares? You’re going to get what you wanted. That’s a good thing.”

A strange look crosses her face and I have no idea what is going on inside that beautiful head of hers.



Am I getting what I want, though? Am I really and truly? No, I’m not. Because what I really want is for Enzo Rossi to take me in his arms and tell me he loves me. I want to tell him about the baby—our baby—and have him say how he’s excited. How he wants to spend his life with me. With us.

But the words are stuck in my throat like glue. I’m still not entirely sure why Enzo backed out and I sure as hell don’t appreciate Doug Holloway wasting my precious time. Or lying to me. I can still remember our conversation clear as day about how much he missed his dead wife every single moment. How it was so hard for him to move on.


I hate the idea of winning by default. It makes the competitor in me cringe. But, whatever. I’ll take Holloway Corp. and turn it into the best, money-making machine I can. And then I’m going to change the damn name. Screw Doug Holloway.

Glancing down at my slim watch, I realize I need to leave or I’m going to be late to my doctor’s appointment. They managed to squeeze me in after having a cancellation and I grabbed it. Because even though I took three pregnancy tests like a total neurotic and slightly crazy person, I need official confirmation. Plus, I need to know what is next. What should I be doing, eating, drinking? Can I work out? Is there any activity I should avoid? I definitely need prenatal vitamins and…

I meet Enzo’s dark gaze and I know I need to tell him, but not yet. Not until it’s confirmed.

“I have to go,” I say and grab my handbag.

“Go where?” he asks, frowning. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

“I’m feeling better and I have an appointment. It won’t take long, anyway. Not that it’s any concern of yours.”

“Bri, you really should go lay down and?—”

“Enzo, please. I’m fine.” The fierce scowl that spreads across his chiseled face makes me smile. Unable to stop myself, I reach out and cup his smooth cheek. I love how he’s so protective over me. “I promise to take a nap as soon as I get back, okay?”

“I’m coming back at 5:30 armed with soup and crackers. You better be here so I can take care of you til you feel smothered.”

His mouth edges up and I run my thumb over his lower lip. He instantly responds, tongue flicking out and licking my skin. It immediately sends an electric jolt through me. When did he become so sweet? Well, hopefully after I tell him about the baby tonight, he won’t go running for the hills. Although, I feel fairly confident that he won’t. Enzo enjoys a good challenge and figuring out how to make things work and succeed in doing it. Having a baby with me would be his biggest, most ultimate challenge yet.

“I have to go,” I whisper. He nods and we walk out together. After saying goodbye, I head straight to my doctor’s office and my nerves start going crazy. Having a baby will change my entire life. Am I ready for that? Is anyone ever really ready for a baby, though? Probably not.

Less than an hour later, I walk back out, armed with all of the basic knowledge I need about being six and a half weeks pregnant. I can’t believe I’m going to be a mother. Tracing the timeline back, I know that I conceived during our “one-night stand,” and I use that phrase loosely. We used protection, so I’m a bit baffled. Of course, they always say nothing is one-hundred percent effective. Case in point, right?

Once I’m back in my car, I sit there for a long moment, just breathing and trying to figure out what I’m going to do now that everything is changing. First, of course, I’ll tell Enzo when he comes back over tonight. I have no idea how he’s going to react and, the more I think about it, the more uneasy I get. Suddenly, I’m feeling slightly numb and unsure. What if he wants nothing to do with us? Because that’s what this is from now on—not just me, us.

I’m strong, smart and resourceful. If it comes down to me having to figure out how to be a single mom and juggle a baby and a successful career then I’ll do it. Luckily, I’m in a position where I can work from home most of the time so that’s a huge plus. I can also afford a nanny or daycare if I need to. My mom will be thrilled to become a grandma and she will probably offer to babysit more often than not.

You’re not alone, I tell myself. If Enzo says he isn’t ready and walks away, you can do this.

I can’t help but be nervous, though. Even so, this is too important to keep secret or wait to tell him. Just as I’m pulling into the garage, I get a text and glance down to see it’s Lili. Making a face, I turn the car off and remember I still have a bone to pick with her. She had to have been the one who spilled the beans to Romeo about me and Enzo hooking up.

I open the text and read: hey, i’m at your place. where are you?

On my way up, I text back. I spot Lili standing outside of my apartment door and we hug before I open it up. Before I can even say a word, she’s all apologies.

“I’m so damn sorry, Gabs. Me and my big mouth!” She gives me big, sad eyes and I can’t be mad at her. It’s my fault because I know how she can’t keep a secret yet I confided in her, anyway.

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