Page 43 of His to Win

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“C’mon in,” I invite her. “I know you can’t control yourself sometimes.”

Lili laughs nervously. “I really can’t. I open my mouth and stuff just comes out. It’s like water pouring out of a faucet and I try to shut it off, but?—”

“Honestly, Lili, it’s my own fault. But, it’s your fault for dating Romeo. He’s such a douche.”

“I know. I’m so mad at him right now for what he did. I should’ve broken up with him, but then things got good again. If you know what I mean.”

“Ugh, please, stop. I don’t want to hear all the gory details.” Lili is always attracted to the wrong men and Romeo is just another bad apple to add to the list of jerks she’s dated. I probably shouldn’t have warned her because the moment I did, her interest skyrocketed. I guess bad boys are her catnip.

Me, on the other hand? I’m looking for more. I don’t want game players and jerks; I want sweet and attentive. Now that I’m carrying Enzo’s baby, my hope is he and I can work things out. Even if he doesn’t want a future with me, I hope he wants to be in the baby’s life.

Oh, who am I kidding? I want Enzo in my life so badly and if he walks away, I’m going to be crushed. More specifically, my heart will be. Whether he knows it or not, he’s holding it in the palm of his hand. I hope he handles it with care.

I start walking to the kitchen. “Want anything to drink?” I ask.

“Sure. A water is fine. I’m gonna go use your bathroom quick.”

I grab two ice-cold bottles of water from the fridge and go sit back down on the couch. I wish I could confide in Lili about the baby and ask for her advice. But after she told Romeo that Enzo and I slept together, I know better than to confide in her. Still though, she is my closest friend, despite having a mouth bigger than Texas.

When Lili walks back into the room, her eyes are wide as saucers.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Um, Gabs, can I ask why you have three pregnancy tests in your trash? Is there something I should know, as your best friend?”

Oh, shit, shit, shit. I bite my lower lip and squeeze my eyes shut. Whelp, guess I’ll be confiding in Lili after all.

“Lili,” I say, trying to remain calm and to collect my thoughts, “I need you to keep this quiet, okay?”

“Ohmygod! Are you—” Her words trail off.

Hoping I don’t regret this, but knowing it’s already too late to deny, I nod slowly. “I’m pregnant…and it’s Enzo’s baby.”

Lili starts pacing back and forth, gesturing wildly with her hands as she talks. “I can’t believe this! How in the world did this happen? I mean, I know how it happened, but how could you let it happen? What did Enzo say? Does he even know yet? What’re you going to do? Are you even keeping the baby?”

I throw up a hand, suddenly feeling completely overwhelmed. “Please, stop moving. You’re making me dizzy. And, for the love of God, one question at a time.”

“Sorry.” She drops down beside me on the couch and takes my hands in hers. Despite being a gossip, Lili is a good friend when it comes to offering advice and a shoulder to cry on. “First, how are you? How’re you feeling about this whole thing?”

Out of nowhere, I feel tears burn the backs of my eyelids. “Hanging in there,” I say. “A lot unsure, very scared and now I guess way more emotional than usual.”

A tear slips down my cheek and I pull a hand away from Lili’s and wipe my cheek.

“Oh, Gabs, you’re going to be just fine. You’re the strongest, smartest person I know.”

“Thanks,” I murmur dryly. “I don’t feel very smart. I mean, what smart woman gets pregnant after a one-night stand? But, the thing that’s so crazy is we used protection. That’s why this whole thing caught me off-guard.”

Lili shrugs a shoulder. “It happens. Nothing is one-hundred percent.”

“And to answer your questions—yes, I’m keeping the baby and I just got confirmation from the doctor. That’s where I was coming from when you texted. So, you’re the first to know, Aunt Lili.”

“Oh, my gosh, I’m going to be an aunt!” She squeals and pulls me into a big hug. I can’t help but laugh and it feels good to tell her. Even if she does spill the beans, everyone is going to find out soon enough, anyway. It’s not like I can keep this a secret for very long.

We pull apart and her grin fades.

“What?” I ask.

“The Bianche family is going to lose their minds when they find out you’re carrying Enzo Rossi’s baby. Relations are so strained between your families after what happened with Miceli and Rocco.”

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