Page 29 of His to Win

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Even though I know Gabriella is upset with me and her cousins want to kick my ass, I still show up early to the designated spot where the Five Families meeting is scheduled to take place the next day. A part of me considered not coming, but I’m too desperate to see her and I need to try to get a read on her. See where her head is when it comes to us.

I park in the corner of the Italian restaurant’s parking lot instead of right in front of the entrance like I normally would, and then I wait, watching as everyone else arrives and walks inside. Five minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start, Gabriella pulls in and parks her Dodge Hellcat. I open my door and head toward her. When she notices me, she turns away and starts chatting with Aldo DeLuca who just pulled up. Clenching my fists, I slow down and decide not to say anything yet. Apparently, she needs more time, but she’s not going to get much more. I need for us to talk and figure out what this thing is between us.

Or, you need to forget her and focus on acquiring the business you want, a little voice says. Hell, I don’t know what to do.


I stop and look over my shoulder to see Angelo hurrying toward me. He always walks in a minute or two before the meeting starts. My youngest brother isn’t the most responsible guy, and he’s too carefree to take this clandestine mafia stuff as seriously as the others.

I wait for him to catch up and we walk in together.

“Your girl is looking mighty fine today,” Angelo murmurs under his breath, and I feel my pulse speed up as I spot Gabriella already sitting down by Aldo and her idiot cousins.

“She’s not my girl,” I hiss.

“Yeah, but you want her to be.”

Do I? As we sit down, Ang’s words float around my head and I can’t deny it. Making Gabriella my girlfriend…well, it doesn’t seem enough and I’m not sure how to wrap my head around that thought.

Could we have more? I wonder. And what exactly is more? Do I want her to move in with me? That seems like a crazy, big step, but if we’re together, I want her by my side. At all times. I’m not sure when I got so possessive. It’s a strange feeling, one I’ve never dealt with before. Yet, here I am, feeling all caveman over the beautiful woman sitting across from me and ignoring me thoroughly.

It stings and I don’t fucking like it.

Last night, she kissed me. She made the first move and now she’s acting like I don’t even exist. Talk about a mind fuck. It’s confusing as hell and I need to talk to her.

For the next two hours, I zone in and out while everyone argues. The Rossi’s, The Bianchi’s, The DeLuca’s, The Caparelli’s and The Milano’s are a combustible, unpredictable and very powerful group. Some days, we see eye to eye, though very rarely. Most meetings, like this one, someone is pissed off about something and we spend the better part of the meeting arguing. I can’t even pretend I’m interested. I’m too busy watching Gabriella’s every move.

Like me, she’s also uncharacteristically quiet. Neither of us utters a word the entire time, but our gazes keep returning to each other. I also notice how Tommaso and Romeo are glaring at me like they’re wishing immediate death upon me. Bastards. I’m not too concerned about them, though. My brothers are here and if they tried to start shit, all I would do is step back and watch Miceli pound them into the ground. And, I know he’d do it with a smile on his face. Those two are nothing but huge pains in the ass.

Once the meeting finally ends, Gabriella bolts faster than a skittish deer. I’m debating whether or not I should run after her when Angelo grabs my arm, halting me midstep.

“Let her go,” he tells me in a low voice. “She’s clearly spooked.”

“And why’s that?” Vin asks, moving up beside us.

“What happened between you and Gabriella?” Miceli appears out of nowhere and I sigh. Busted. I guess I may as well confide in my other brothers because they’re going to find out sooner rather than later, knowing them.

“Can we discuss this over a drink?” I ask. “Preferably a strong one?”

“Yeah, the stronger the better because this guy fucked up pretty bad,” Angelo says and laughs.

“It’s not funny, asshole,” I grind out.

“Oh, boy, I can’t wait to hear this,” Vin says, rubbing his hands together. “Because if I remember correctly, you thought how I met Hannah was pretty amusing.”

“No, what I found amusing was the fact that my uptight older brother found himself at a kinky sex auction.”

“Only because you gave me your invitation,” he reminds me.

“I had no idea what it was about.”

“So you keep saying,” Angelo comments and slaps an arm around my shoulder. “Let’s go over to Madden’s. I think their drinks oughta be strong enough.”

I nod and tell my brothers I’ll meet them over at the cigar bar that specializes in whiskey from around the world. After a few drinks, I’ll need one of them to drop me off because I plan to get blitzed.

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