Page 30 of His to Win

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This is why I’ve avoided any kind of serious relationship, I think. It’s too damn much work and frustrating me to no end. Gabriella is a hard nut to crack and, although I usually enjoy a good challenge, I don’t like the way my feelings are all over the place. It’s like they’re being tossed around in a washing machine and I’ve never been this so unsure of something in my entire life.

As soon as I walk into Madden’s, I head straight to the bar and start a tab. I’m the first to arrive and, by the time my brothers get there, I’ve already taken a sip of my expensive glass of whiskey and I’m puffing away on a cherry cigar.

“Hey, wait for us,” Angelo says, moving up beside me and waving down the bartender.

“Let’s go sit over there.” Vin orders a drink then walks over to claim a corner area of the bar complete with two couches and a couple of chairs. The place is cozy, set up like a living room and, if you can tolerate the smoke, it’s great. Definitely a gentleman’s club atmosphere and rarely a woman in sight. And that’s exactly what I need right now. No more estrogen. No, thank you.

Once we’re all situated with drinks and cigars, I lean back on the couch and stretch my long legs out in front of me. This is exactly what I needed—some time hanging with my brothers. For once, work isn’t the answer and that’s pretty unusual for me. Normally, it consumes my life, but ever since Gabriella, it hasn’t seemed nearly as fulfilling.

“Okay, spill it,” Vincentius says. “And why does Angelo know what’s going on, but we don’t?”

Miceli leans forward, dark eyes intense. “Yeah, what’s up with that?”

“You guys are busy with your wives and babies,” I say.

“I’m the only one around here with a baby,” Miceli states. “He’s still got some time.”

We all look at Vin who’s expecting twins with his wife, Hannah.

“We still have a few months,” Vin says. “Thank God, too, because preparing for one baby is hard enough. But two? It’s like we need double of everything.”

“You do need double of everything,” Angelo says and we all laugh.

“Where’s Carlotta?” I ask. She hasn’t been at the last couple of meetings, but she’s also never been overly interested in the family business.

“She went on a girls’ trip. Now stop trying to change the subject.” Vin leans forward, waiting for me to spill my guts…so I do. I tell them everything about how Gabriella and I hooked up and then found ourselves in a face-off over Holloway Corp.

“It’s torture seeing her every day and not knowing where we stand,” I finish. “I don’t know how to fix this mess I made.”

“I guess it boils down to what’s most important to you, bro—Gabriella or owning another business?” Micelia says.

“I’d hardly say you need another business,” Vin states. “A woman, however. Yeah, you need that. Seems to me like you’re definitely going to have to make a choice here. And soon.”

“I was contemplating walking away from the entire deal,” I admit. “But then I decided to stay because I was scared she’d shut me out completely. At least now, I get to see her every day.”

“That’s lame,” Angelo says. “Especially when you’re fighting.”

“We weren’t fighting last night,” I can’t help but say, then quickly take a sip of my whiskey.

“Oh?” Vin raises a brow.

“What exactly were you doing?” Angelo presses with a smirk.

“I asked her to stay late and picked up a pizza. Let’s just say she wanted more than the pizza.”

“Are you exaggerating?” Miceli asks doubtfully.

“She kissed me and then things went a little further. But, we got interrupted by housekeeping and Bri jet so fast my head spun. Then she completely ignored me just now at the meeting. I don’t know what to make of it. Does she want me? Does she not? Fuck, women are confusing.”

“Bri?” Vin exchanges a knowing look with Miceli.


“You have a nickname for her?” Miceli asks.

“Other than pain in the ass? Yeah, so what?” I know I’m being belligerent, but their knowing smiles are annoying me.

“Hey, nothing wrong with that. It’s cute.” My brothers chuckle and I want to punch each one of them.

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