Page 81 of Off-Limits Roomates

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“Do the guys know?”

Paul nodded. “They seem pretty excited.”

“Of course, they are. My baby is a catch and they know they’re lucky that she forgave them.” Mom sniffed and wiped her eyes. “You’re going away for your first sex trip and I’m just so proud of you.”

“Jesus Christ.” Paul shook his head and took over the potatoes. “Go be with the guys, Ellie. I’ll help your mom finish up here.”

I hugged them both tight. “I love you guys. I’m going to drag them away from the TV. We’ll be outside.”

“We’ll come get you when it’s done. Try not to scandalize the neighbors’ kids, honey.” Mom pushed me away and sniffed again. “Too many onions. I’m not crying.”

I hurried into the living room and crooked my finger at the guys. “Come with me.”



It was shockingly easy to steal them away from the TV. They all followed me with matching expressions of eagerness. I led them around the side of the house and to the picnic table in the backyard. It was a lot colder than it’d been on campus and it only took one teeth chatter for Booth to take his hoodie off and pull it over my head.

“You’re going to be cold now.” I lifted the neck of the hoodie to my nose and inhaled his warm scent. “But I’m never giving this back.”

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and leaned against the side of the table. “Good.”

“So…” I looked back and forth between Fisher and Vaughn. “We’re going to a mountain cabin?”

Vaughn smirked. “Excited?”

I nodded. “I don’t know what I’m more excited about. You guys or the cabin itself.”

Fisher stepped closer to me and gently cupped my face. “Be more excited about us.”

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

He closed the distance between our mouths and kissed me then, putting all of his effort into making sure it was him that I was most excited about. He only pulled back when the sound of a kid screaming broke the silence around us. “I hate that kid.”

Laughing, I looked over and saw one of our neighbors watching us with her mouth hanging open. I covered my face and laughed. “Oh, god. We’re causing a scene.”

Vaughn tugged me into his arms and dipped me. Smiling down at me, he looked happier than I could ever remember seeing him. “Let’s really give her something to talk about.”

I weaved my fingers into his hair and nodded. I’d already faced a month of ridicule on campus. One shocked neighbor wasn’t going to scare me away. I drank in his kiss and smiled into it, the feeling of everything being okay so nice that I didn’t think I’d ever stop smiling.

“You’re happy?” He pulled me up and kissed me once more. “Really happy?”

“Really, really happy.” I moved back into Booth’s arms and stood between his thighs while stretching up to kiss him. His big hand cupped the back of my head and I moaned when his other hand cupped my ass.

“When we get to the cabin tonight, we’re going to talk about what you said last night.” Booth trailed kisses down my jaw and growled. “About how you love us.”

I clutched his shirt in my hands and tilted my head to offer him more of my neck. “We don’t have to do that. We can just cuddle in front of a fire. Yeah? Yeah. I’m glad we agree.”

His hand moved lower on my ass until he was cupping the bottom curve and his fingers dipped between my thighs. “We’ll cuddle. After we talk. And probably after we figure out just how this is going to work.”

I hadn’t been touched in far too long. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. “Sure. Whatever you say.”

“Are you ready for all three of us, Ella Rae?” Booth tightened his grip and then let me go completely at the sudden sound of my mom’s voice coming from the front of the house. When I shot him a frustrated look, he smiled sheepishly. “Your mom is scary.”

“Ella Rae!” Mom came around the side of the house just as I separated from Booth. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Did you eat the bag of marshmallows? Those were for the sweet potatoes.”

I groaned. “I’m sorry! I was sad!”

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