Page 28 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Ineeded to call off the study sessions. I was caught up on everything in the class and had a good enough handle on everything that I didn’t really need tutoring until we hit a harder concept. Each time I thought about telling Ella that we didn’t need to meet anymore, I couldn’t follow through, though. The two times a week that we were alone in the library felt like a relief and an act of self-torture.

Watching her from across the table, I twirled my pencil in my hand faster and faster. She had her hair in another one of her high ponytails and she was wearing another sundress. Instead of giving me the break of wearing her cardigan, her arms were bare and the neckline of her dress dipped lower than ever.

She bit the tip of her pencil and mine went flying across the room. She looked up at me and frowned. “You’re supposed to be reading.”

I got up to get my pencil and shrugged. “It’s boring.”

“I don’t care.” She was still pissed at me. She shut her own book and crossed her arms. “If you’re all caught up, we don’t need to stay here.”

She had every right to be pissed at me. I’d been a bigger asshole than normal. Bringing up her dad was a low blow. Seeing her kissing Fisher had fucked with my head, though. “I’m not caught up. I was just taking a break.”

She sighed and stared off in the distance. “Whatever. Just let me know when you’re ready for my help.”

“I get it. You’re pissed at me. Can we just move on? It’s hard to study when you’re picturing me with a book slamming into my head.”

“I’m not picturing you with a book slamming into your head. I’m picturing you with your head caught in my car door as I close it over and over again.” Her mouth quirked up like she was fighting a smile. “You should apologize for what you said, Vaughn. We both know it was a shitty thing to say.”

She was a lot bossier as an adult than she’d been as a kid. I worked my jaw back and forth and finally nodded. “I’m sorry, Ella. I was a dick.”

“Yeah, you were. A giant dick.” Deciding she was over her anger, she moved to the chair next to me and smiled. “Show me what you’re working on.”

“You forgive me that easily?” I turned to face her and felt a wave of butterflies when my knee brushed her thigh. I should’ve moved it but I didn’t. I wanted to touch her, even though I shouldn’t.

Ella looked up at me and sighed. “It’s hard to stay mad at you when you gave me a place to live. Besides freaking out over your friends, you’ve been a lot nicer this time around. Almost suspiciously nicer.”

I turned to face her completely and turned her chair so she was facing me with her legs trapped between mine. “I’m a nice guy, Ella Rae.”

She laughed and play slapped my leg. “Bullshit. You’re a menace in real life and you’re a menace on the field.”

I caught her hand. “I’m nice to you. Most of the time.”

“Like I said. It’s suspicious.” She glanced down at where I was holding her hand and then glanced back up at me. “Vaughn?”

I forced myself to let go of her and turn back to my work. “Alright. Don’t let me fuck off anymore. I need to get this done.”

With a groan, she pulled my book closer to her and leaned in, giving me a view straight down her dress. I could see the curves of her tits and the soft swell of her stomach. I leaned back but the damage was already done. I was half hard and on my way to fully hard.

“These don’t seem so hard. You were doing them last week without a problem. Do you need a refresher?” She frowned when she looked over at me. “You okay? You’re all red. If you’re coming down with something and you locked me in this tiny room with you, I’ll kick your ass.”

I was going to kick my own ass. I held my breath as Ella leaned into me and pressed her hand to my forehead. She studied my face as she leaned back. She was still too close. Her sweet scent lingered in my space and I could still feel her body heat against mine. “I’m good.”

“You don’t seem good.” She started closing the books in front of us. “I’m making an executive decision. You should take a break. Between football, football practices, classes, hovering over me to make sure no one touches me, and studying, I don’t know how you haven’t fallen apart yet. You need a day off.”

I relaxed into my chair at the idea of getting a day off. I would’ve taken one anyway if it wasn’t for our tutoring session. School and stress talk helped relax my dick, too. “Well, since this is my time, what should I require you to do with me?”

She scoffed. “That’s not how this works.”

I noticed she didn’t automatically get up and leave. “Sure, it is.”

“Fine. If you pick something weird, though, I’m not doing it.”

I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do but I wasn’t ready to part ways with Ella. It was hard to get her by herself. “Want to grab some diner food with me? I know a place.”

Her eyes lit up. “Yes! I’m starving.”

I stood up and picked up both of our bags. “This place has the best cheeseburgers in the world.”

“What about milkshakes?”

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