Page 29 of Off-Limits Roomates

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I opened the door for her and followed her out. “Best ever.”

Nearly two hours later, we were sitting across from each other in a red vinyl booth and we were both rubbing our stomachs from eating so much. She’d forgot her cardigan in the library so she was still a temptation but I’d had fun with her, despite my dick’s desires. She was funnier than I remembered. She was also sweet. I didn’t get to see that side much usually but watching her talk to our waitress about the woman’s sick dog had proven just how kind she was to other people.

I was feeling jealous. I wasn’t sure she even liked me and that was eating at me. I never cared if people liked me. I didn’t give a shit. Sitting there, wondering whether or not Ella could stand me was like a thorn in my side. “Ella?”

She looked up at me from her milkshake. “Yeah?”

What was I thinking? Was I going to ask her if she liked me? Jesus. “You’ve got some shit on your cheek.”

She rolled her eyes and wiped her face. “Thanks for not letting me walk around with whipped cream on my face. We live next to a row of frat houses and something as innocent as evidence of my milkshake could so easily be turned into something horrific.”

I smirked. “Oh? What would that be?”

She met my gaze and for a second I thought she was going to say it. Then she shook her head and looked away. “Jerk.”

I rubbed at my chest and cleared my throat. “Let’s head back to campus. I’ve got shit to do tonight. People to see.”

“What if I followed you around and hissed at any woman who came near? It feels fair.” She laughed and grabbed her phone from the table. “Payback’s a bitch.”

“I can’t suck my own dick, Ella.” Even as I said the words, I cringed. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Leveling a blank stare at me, Ella blew out a long sigh. “Here I was, thinking you were a normal human being. My bad.”



Booth was sitting on the couch watching TV after Vaughn dropped me off and left to get his dick sucked. I was still reeling from how much those words had pissed me off. I wanted to stab him in the penis with a fork. I was even reeling from why I felt so pissed off. For a second, the dinner with Vaughn had felt almost like a date, which was crazy. But it had. And then he said that and I felt betrayed. It was all so screwed up that I didn’t want to think about it for another second. Seeing Booth was a relief so I didn’t have to be alone with my own thoughts. I didn’t care if Booth and I had our own awkwardness going on. It had to be better than feeling like my ex-step brother was cheating on me.

I sat on the opposite side of the couch as Booth and stared at the TV. “How was your day?”

Booth grunted. “Long.”

I swallowed. Maybe sitting with Booth hadn’t been a good idea after all. Something was seriously wrong with me. I felt like a bunny rabbit in heat. Everything felt more than what it was.

“How was tutoring Vaughn?”

“He’s still a jerk.”

Booth laughed and as tense as the room had been, it lightened up at that sound. He looked over at me and smiled. “Vaughn will always be Vaughn.”

I pulled my feet under me and turned to face him. “I think he was put on this earth to make me crazy.”

“I’ve felt like that at times, too.” He muted the TV. “There’s ice cream in the fridge if you want some.”

“Booth! You don’t have to keep buying me ice cream.” I patted my stomach. “I’ve been eating way too much of it. If I don’t stop, I’m going to have to actually work out.”

“Your body is perfect the way it is, Ella. Eat all the ice cream you want.” His eyes heated as they moved over my body. “Is that a new dress?”

For some reason, I went up on my knees to show him the full dress. “No. I just don’t have my cardigan on over it. I left it at the library.”

He reached out and lightly tugged on the bottom hem. His knuckles brushed my thigh and he smiled at my quick intake of breath. “You look really pretty.”

I blushed and inched closer to him. Sitting back on my heels, I took in his deep brown eyes and his ever present dimples. He was beyond handsome. “You do, too.”

He grinned and I groaned. His laugh was deep and velvety as he pretended to fluff his hair. “I feel pretty today, too. Thank you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Shut up.”

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