Page 9 of Forbidden Desire

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May snickered. “You have me fooled. But what did you do? Get upset when someone leaves a mess on the train.” She rolled her eyes. “I bet you’re just trying to be nice.”

Jo sighed. If only May knew. Sometimes, she thought she would love to have a friend who she could fully confide in, someone she could share these stories with. As they entered the cafeteria, she saw Ali standing at a table. Ali glanced in her direction, and Jo started to wave when she noticed Nolan pop up behind her. He rested his hand on her shoulder, and a pit formed in her stomach.

“Johanna? Everything okay?” May waved her hand in front of Johanna’s face.

Johanna forced a smile. “Of course. I’m going to grab some pizza. Something nice and greasy. Meet ya outside? I could use the fresh air.”

May shrugged. “Sounds good to me.” They parted ways, and Jo quickly took a path that would not go by the love birds. The last thing she needed was another reminder that her attraction to Ali would go nowhere. Not that it would, even if she was single. Rules, remember?

She quickly moved towards the pizza station. She always thought maybe rules were something she could conveniently get past, as long as she didn’t vocally tell everyone she was in relations with Ali. Stupid; she was well aware. She paid for her pizza and drink, then went outside and grabbed the first table she came to.

She was already one slice of pizza in when May exited the hospital and joined her. “Salad? Must you always be healthy?” She made a face, and May laughed.

“I’m not always healthy. Just felt like a salad today. The pizza does look delicious, though.” May licked her lips, then dug into her salad. “So, you were about to tell me what crazy things get you miffed.” May laughed.

Jo looked down at her pizza; she picked a pepperoni off it and popped it into her mouth. “You would probably be surprised. Or wouldn’t even believe me if I told you.” Her tone turned sad, practically weepy.

“Try me. That’s what friends are for, right?” May took a bite of her salad and kept her eyes on Jo.

“My previous job, I left rather quickly.”

May shrugged. “I think I heard you mention that once before. Who cares? No biggie! Is that the worst that you’ve done? People change jobs. It’s not the end of the world.”

Jo sighed. “Not usually. But what I didn’t mention was the reason I abruptly left. You see, work got to be too much to handle. Uncontrollable, really. I struggled with stress and depression, and things got so overwhelming that the anxiety literally took over my life. So, when you say that I seem so put together, it makes me want to laugh. I haven’t always been that way, and I have to manage my body with medication and therapy. You can bet I would be right back where I was if I didn’t.”

“Wow!” May took a sip of water. “I really never would have guessed. How are you doing now? Coping and everything, I mean?”

Jo shrugged. “Many days are great. Some remind me that at any given moment, I could be right back where I was before. It was a dark place, and I never want to get back there.”

Jo shifted her gaze to the hospital doors, where she spotted Nolan and Ali leaning against the window and just chatting. Anything could cause her to snap. That’s why she had to remember to go to therapy and not allow her stress to overwhelm her.

“I guess I really shouldn’t have teased you,” May replied. “Just know, it really was me teasing. I have enjoyed getting to know you and don’t want anything to hinder our friendship.”

Jo grinned and shook her head. “And it won’t.” May was one bright spot when it came to thinking about her future. She was glad to have a new friend to share thoughts about, and May was always ready to listen.

“You know, Jo, you and I aren’t really all that different. I’ve struggled with anxiety myself. Mental illness is truly no joke. I get it.” Jo sensed that May was only being sincere, and she appreciated the affirmation. “You need someone who can help you always keep you balanced.”

“Someone?” Johanna inquired, arching an eyebrow. “Like a romantic partner?”

May laughed. “I wasn’t even going that deep, but it probably wouldn’t hurt.” She gave a wink and then giggled. “I was thinking something more along the lines of a dog.”

Jo frowned. “A dog?”

May’s eyes bugged out. “Don’t tell me that you don’t like dogs. That might just be the dealbreaker for our friendship.” She shook her head. “I can’t fathom being friends with someone who scoffed at the idea of getting a dog.”

Jo laughed. “I wasn’t scoffing or any such thing. Just hadn’t thought of a dog.”

“That is your first problem.” May reached into her pocket and pulled a paper out of it. She unfolded it and pushed it towards Jo. “I got my dog Iggy at this adoption event. They have shelters from all over, and the moment I saw Iggy, I just knew. Maybe you should go check it out. The event is next weekend.”

Johanna looked down at the paper and then back up at May. “Do you just keep this flyer handy in case someone just happens to be in the market?”

May snickered. “You just never know.” Jo rolled her eyes incredulously. “Not quite that convenient. I just came across the flyer when I got off the train this morning. I thought I stuck it away in my purse, but voila! The universe must’ve known I needed it for a special reason.”

Johanna looked down at the flyer. She hadn’t contemplated getting a dog, but perhaps she should consider it. She just never knew what motivation was out there for her.


Ali approached the nurse’s station in the late afternoon. No one else was around, so she sank down in the chair and propped her feet up on the chair beside her. A yawn escaped her mouth despite her wanting to give off the air that she wasn’t the least bit tired. She had been working so hard to try to prove her worth for the promotion that she could feel that her muscles were starting to weaken from overuse, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition. It was probably only in her mind, but she felt something off in how her body was moving.

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