Page 8 of Forbidden Desire

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Jo smiled. “Well, now that you ask…” Georgette’s eyes widened. Laughing, Jo continued, “No, I don’t want you to give her a chat, but she’s hard to read. When she’s focused on work, it’s like she’s in that zone, and I wonder if maybe I just can’t deal with that type of work influence.” Jo bit her lip. “I probably shouldn’t say anything. She is my superior, and I don’t want it to get back to her.”

“I wouldn’t say anything.” Georgette gave a genuine smile. “I’ll tell you this: Ali means well. If she comes at you, it’s just because she wants you to achieve bigger and greater things. You’ll want a person like that in your corner because CAPMed is no joke. Sometimes, she can come across as too much, and it may seem like she’s just trying to overpower you, but in the end, she’ll be a good driving force for anyone.” Georgette shrugged. “Sometimes it might take a bit to show her softer side, but it is there. I’ve seen it.”

Jo grinned. That was good to hear, and she had seen that softer side, even if it wasn’t always on show. “I better get going before I get the wrath of Ali.” She gave Georgette a wink and then hurried from the nurse’s station and to the conference room. The room was already filling up, and Ali glanced towards the door as soon as Jo entered. Jo weaved her way to the seat next to May.

“I was surprised you weren’t already here,” May replied. “You’re usually the first one in the room.”

“Had some things I had to do on the floor. It’s going to be a busy day.” She clapped her hands together, and May tilted her head. “What?” Jo asked.

“I don’t know. There’s just something different about you.”

“Might have gotten a little more sleep last night than usual. That’s all.” She shrugged it off, but the conversation with Georgette put a little pep in her step.

“Good morning, everyone. We will start the day with a pop quiz about the rounds you’ve been doing and some hospital protocol stuff. I hope you’ve been reading up.”

Ali started off with questions, and Jo’s hand shot up one by one to answer them. After the sixth question in a row, Ali shot her a look. Was it amazement? Irritation? She couldn’t quite decipher it.

“How many employees does the hospital currently have on staff?” Again, Jo’s hand shot up. “Anyone other than Johanna, perhaps?” She locked her gaze on Jo, and Jo slowly withdrew her hand. Was she being too eager to answer? “Rebecca?” Ali cold-called on a smaller woman toward the front left of the room.

“Two thousand?” Rebecca quietly replied.

“That’s very close,” Ali commented. “Anyone else?” She glanced around until her eyes landed back on Jo. “Ms. Vialdi?” It was so formal.

“Two thousand two hundred and twenty-seven.”

“That is correct.” Ali rifled through the cards before setting them down on the table. “I think that should be it for now. You are all released to meet up with your preceptors. Before you leave, Johanna, may I talk to you?”

Ali stood up and turned to May. “You’re going to get some reward or something, probably,” May replied.

Ali shrugged. “Guess we’ll see.” She was a tad nervous, especially when she already knew how awkward things could get between them. And the last time they had a meeting, it didn’t end so well. There was nothing that said this meeting would go any better. “Have a good morning. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Yep. See ya!” May headed off. The room cleared, and Jo walked up to meet with her.

Ali nodded. “Quite a display today at the quiz. I had another twenty questions to go but didn’t think anyone needed to see the Johanna show.”

Jo felt her cheeks burning, and she quickly looked down. “I didn’t mean to be so quick to answer. I guess I just wanted to…” She shrugged.

“I know what you wanted to do. I see what you have been doing. Coming in early. Staying late. I get it. You are determined to prove your point. But if you get burned out, you’re not helping anyone. Just remember that.”

Jo nodded. “Am I free to go?”

Ali nodded, and Johanna turned to leave. “Jo?” Johanna looked over her shoulder, surprised that Ali had called her that. She didn’t object, but it was different. “I do appreciate your enthusiasm. The hospital needs more people like that.”

Jo left the room, feeling even better about the situation. She wasn’t scolded like she feared. She could go to work feeling much better about where things were headed and excited for what the weeks would bring.

After another week, they weren’t required to have many more meetings in the conference room. They focused on the hands-on experiential training, and Jo felt more secure handling her work with the patients than being in the training room environment. Georgette allowed her more moving room, not making her shadow, so she could do things unattended. It was freeing and gave her more of a sense that she truly belonged.

And as for Ali, Ali did seem to have a few more moments where she would smile. It would once again get in Jo’s way of thinking that things might not have to be so strict between them. She could open herself up to and even share a smile or two with her.

“Ready to head to lunch?” Johanna asked May as she slid her pen into her pocket and dropped her stethoscope off behind the nurse’s station.

“Yep. Just finishing up documentation.” May hit a few more keys, then got up from the computer, and they headed to the elevator. “How’s work been?” May asked as they stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the basement.

“Good. Georgette is allowing me more freedom, and I don’t feel like I’m simply her shadow. You?”

“Same.” Georgette released a yawn. “Which means it’s also a bit more draining.” She shook her head to get rid of the yawn. “I don’t know how you do it. You always seem so put together, like nothing phases you. While I’m a hot mess.”

Jo’s jaw dropped. “Believe me, that’s not the case. And I can share a few stories that would leave you reeling. Trust me.” They got off the elevator and headed to the cafeteria.

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