Page 104 of Velvet Vengeance

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Great! Two pissed-off Bratva bosses on my Island, Paradise. I stand staring at them for a few moments while reminding myself this is my Island. These are my people—Konstantin and Andrey are trespassing. I’ll be fucking damned if I’m going to let them come here and start acting like they’re the boss here.

“Put them in the cellar,” I tell my men. “I’ll deal with them later.”

“Of course, Isabella,” Temur says and turns back toward Andrey and Konstantin.

“You fucking traitorous bastard, Temur,” Konstantin hisses. “You had one shot to fix your last mistake. That was your only shot. What you’ve done here is…”

“Enough!” I bellow and glance around. “Alex, please go find the kids and make sure they’re safe and far away from here.”

“I will,” Alex says and looks at Konstantin. “It is good to see you again, Konstantin.” She turns and flees.

“So much for loyalty, cousin,” Andrey says to Konstantin before turning back to me.

“I’d be very careful what you say next,” I warn Andrey. “Neither you nor Konstantin have any rule here or over my men, and that includes Temur.” My eyes narrow in on my brother. “Our grandmother put Temur in charge of my safety, and he is now on my team.”

“Good luck with that,” Konstantin sneers. “I’ve learned that Temur is very quick to switch loyalties when it suits his needs.” He glances around. “And who wouldn’t want to relax on a sun-drenched island instead of the real world?”

“I said, enough!” I bark. “Tape his mouth if he won’t stop.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Konstantin challenges me.

“I wouldn’t try her,” Temur warns.

“I wasn’t addressing you!” Konstantin tells him coldly.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Temur shrugs.

“Take them to the cellars and learn how they found us,” I order Temur. “We need to know if we’re getting any more company. Like maybe Andrey’s mother or older brother, who I believe you just let walk.”

”I didn’t let them walk; I exiled them,“ Andrey tells me, and his eyes darken. “They had an accident on the way to Mexico and didn’t make it.”

“I hope you double-checked the bodies,” I sneer sarcastically. “I’ve noticed that people in your world have the tendency to come back from the dead.”

“They’re dead!” Konstantin snaps. “And from what we’ve learned, you’re neck deep in our world.”

“Geez!” I look at Temur. “Make sure they’re both chained.” I turn to go, but Andrey’s voice stops me.

“I’m glad to see you’re finally embracing who you were born to be,” Andrey says.

I whirl around, my eyes locking with his. “I’m not embracing it. I’ve accepted it.“ I sneer. “I had to for the sake of my children’s safety.”

“Our children!“ Andrey growls. He takes a deep breath and looks up at the clear blue sky for a few seconds before catching my eyes again. “I just came here to talk, Isabella.” His voice has become resigned. “We didn’t come here to shake up your peace. We wanted to make sure you were safe and…” He gives me a sad smile. “Happy.”

“Isabella, can I have a word?” Temur asks.

I nod, and we walk away from the courtyard.

“Don’t tell me to kill them,” I blurt out. “I can’t do that.”

“What?” Temur looks at me with raised brows. “No! That’s not what I was going to say. It’s obvious that Konstantin and Andrey came here to see you. It must’ve taken them a lot to find us.”

“They do look unshaven and not as groomed as they usually are.”

“Why not let them have a meal with us?” Temur’s words have my brows shooting up. “Instead of the cellar, let’s put them in the bungalows, and I’ll assign men to keep watch over them. Then tomorrow, we can send them on their way. Just hear them out.”

“And what if they kidnap me?” I ask.

“I promise I won’t let that happen.” He grins. “Unless you want it to.”

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