Page 103 of Velvet Vengeance

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The main house is a blend of coastal charm and comfortable luxury. The exterior is a soft, weathered brown with large windows that let in the endless views of the turquoise ocean. The roof is thatched, blending into the beachy theme. As we step onto the wide, wraparound porch, the scent of saltwater and blooming hibiscus fills the air.

Inside, the house is airy and open, with cool tile floors underfoot and high ceilings with exposed beams. There are two living rooms. One has large, overstuffed sofas draped in light, breathable fabrics and a collection of pillows in various shades of blue and sandy beige. Floor-to-ceiling windows line the far wall, offering an unobstructed view of the ocean. It’s the perfect place to curl up with a book or simply watch the waves roll in.

The second living room is more intimate, with a cozy fireplace and soft rugs underfoot. It’s where we gather on cooler evenings, the crackling fire providing warmth and a sense of home. The walls are lined with bookshelves, filled with novels, travel guides, and the occasional photo album—a testament to the life we’ve started to build here.

The kitchen is a chef’s dream, spacious and bright, with state-of-the-art appliances and a large island that serves as the heart of the home. The countertops are a pale, polished stone, and the cabinets are painted in a soft, coastal blue. It’s where Alex and I spend our mornings, preparing breakfast and chatting over coffee as the sunlight streams through the windows.

Adjacent to the kitchen is the dining room, where a large, rustic table stands as the centerpiece. It’s made of reclaimed wood, its surface worn smooth by time and use, and it can easily seat twelve—a necessity given our growing family. The walls are adorned with artwork that Alex and I have collected, pieces that remind us of the journey that brought us here.

Leading off from the main house are four bungalows, each connected by covered walkways that provide shade from the Caribbean sun. Each bungalow is its own little oasis, designed for privacy and comfort.

Temur’s bungalow is the largest, with four bedrooms to accommodate his family. My bungalow is smaller but no less comfortable. It has three bedrooms, perfect for the new life growing inside me and whatever future we might create here. The primary bedroom is my haven, with a bed that faces the ocean and a soft, gauzy canopy that sways gently in the breeze.

The second bedroom is already prepared for the twins, with cribs and soft blankets in shades of blue and white. The third has a queen-sized bed in it, and I have yet to do much with it, but I intend to get to it in the near future.

A small living room offers a quiet space to relax, with a comfy chair by the window where I often sit and feel the babies kick, dreaming of the day I’ll hold them in my arms.

Surrounding the house and bungalows is the island itself—a paradise of white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, and the endless blue of the Caribbean Sea. It’s a place where time seems to slow down, where the worries of the world feel a million miles away.

Once a week, all of us hop in the boat, and we go to the main island to shop and have lunch. Alex and I go to see the local doctor for our checkups. I love going into the village and wandering the street markets with the unrushed bustle of the locals.

“I think I need to take a nap,” I say, stretching and hiding a yawn behind my hand. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. These two were quite active.”

Alex smiles knowingly, her hand resting on her belly. “Growing little ones will do that to you. Go rest. I’ll call you when it’s dinner time.”

“Thank you, Alex.”

I enter my bungalow and sink into the bed. The cool covers a welcome relief against my tired body. As I close my eyes, the last thing I feel is the gentle movement of the babies inside me, a reminder that the future is full of possibilities.

“Isabella!” Alex’s frantic voice pulls me from my sleep. “Isabella, wake up.”

I sit up, wiping the sleep blur from my eyes. “What is it?” My heart jolts when I see the panic in her eyes. “Are the kids okay?”

“The kids are fine, but there are people here,” Alex’s face is pale. “Come quick, or I’m afraid Temur will do something stupid.”

“What?” My brain is still fuzzy from sleep as I throw my legs over the bed and slide my feet into my sandals to rush after Alex.

Rushing after Alex, my heart pounds as I struggle to shake off the remnants of sleep, and my mind ticks over with thoughts of who could be there. When we reach the courtyard, I come to an abrupt halt, my breath catching in my throat.

Temur and his men have Konstantin and Andrey standing in the center, their arms pinned behind their heads, surrounded by a ring of armed guards.

Andrey’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, everything else fades away. The pull between us is undeniable. That same magnetic attraction that’s kept drawing us together before is still strong. His gaze runs over me, lingering on my swollen belly, and I can see the flash of something in his eyes—regret? Pain?

I swallow and shut down the feelings my heart is trying to throw at me. It’s too late for that now, I desperately try to convince myself.

“The men caught these two sneaking onto the island.” Temur turns to face me, his expression hard but searching for my reaction.

“Isabella!” Konstantin and Andrey say in unison.

“You’re looking well.” Andrey’s voice is soft, but his expression is guarded.

“Sister,” Konstantin’s eyes are wide with relief. “We’ve been looking for you for months.”

“How did you find us?” I skip past the pleasantries. My mind races in a panic that I school from my features as I go over Plan B that Temur has devised in case our paradise was invaded.

“What? No, hello, Andrey and Konstantin. No, sorry, I ran away and left the two of you terrified that you’d been kidnapped again.” Andrey’s words are laced with anger.

“You’ve caused quite the stir, little sister,” Konstantin’s voice is low as he watches me.

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