Page 24 of The Kotov Duet

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“Where are you taking me?”

“To my home.”


“You’ll need to shower, so that I may tend to your wounds,” I explained, though not telling her the full truth. After tonight, she would be serving out her sentence at my house.

“Seems pointless,” she remarked quietly.

Nothing more was said on the drive to my home, which I was thankful for. I’d never felt like this before, and I was struggling between taking care of Samara and making Rurik and Vlad pay for what they’d done. I wanted to hurry and put Samara to bed, then go take care of business, but I had no idea how she was going to feel about staying in my home. Knowing the woman the way that I did, I was probably going to have to chain her to my bed, and doing so didn’t sound like the best idea, considering what she’d just been through.

Once we reached the gates to my home, I hit the button on the console to open the gates, and two guards appeared as if by magic to make sure that nothing or no one followed in behind me. The byki that were employed to protect my house were the best in the organization, as they should be.

Pulling into the garage, Samara waiting as I got out, walked around the back of the vehicle, then opened her door for her. Her blue eyes looked up at me as I reached down to unbuckle her seatbelt, then gather her up in my arms again.

Samara didn’t say anything as I carried her through the house, and I noticed that she also hadn’t bothered to look around to take in her surroundings. Instead, she had buried her face in my neck again, and I could admit that it felt good to have her curled up in my arms like this. Between my concern for her and my anger at my men, memories of another time were trying to make their way into my brain, but I didn’t have time for that. Besides, Samara wasn’t going anywhere, so I had plenty of time to indulge in those memories at a later time.

When we finally reached my bedroom, I placed her on her feet before saying, “Your purse is on the dresser. Would you like to call your sister?”

Samara’s blue eyes flashed my way. “You kept my purse?”

“Why wouldn’t have I?”

“The plan is to keep me locked in a cage at some factory,” she replied, her voice still sounding a bit empty. “What benefit is there to keeping my purse? You don’t need my wallet, phone, or even me to check up on my sister.”

She was correct, of course. However, I did not want to discuss my decisions with her when they were personal ones. “Let’s get you into the shower, Razh.”

Samara looked like she wanted to argue with me, but deciding to choose her battles, she turned to make her way into the bathroom. While I didn’t have any clothes here for her, she didn’t need any for tonight. She could sleep naked or in my clothes; it didn’t really matter. As for tomorrow, I planned on sending someone to retrieve some of her stuff from her condo.

When I followed her into the bathroom, she shot me a wary look. “I don’t need help.”

“I don’t recall asking,” I countered.

“What are you going to do? Get in the shower with me?” she clapped back.

“If necessary,” I answered. “It depends on what you look like once you’re naked.”

“My ankle is the worst of it,” she replied, her cheeks a little flushed.

“That is not for you to decide, Razh.”

“Quit calling me that,” she finally said.

“No, I don’t think that I will,” I informed her. “Now, do you need help undressing?”

Samara shook her head, and rather than keep up a fight that she couldn’t win, she started undressing, and with each piece of clothing that she discarded, my rage flamed to dangerous levels. While most of it was scrapes, the bruising was already making an appearance, and Rurik hadn’t spared her. If her ribs were cracked, I wouldn’t be surprised.

When she was finally standing in front of me with only her bra and panties, I almost couldn’t function with how infuriated I was. Everything in me screamed to go back to the research facility, but I knew that I couldn’t. Samara was more important, and I needed to prove that to her.

I needed to prove that to everyone.

Chapter 16


Standing half-naked in front of Avgust probably wasn’t the best idea, but it seemed ridiculous to make a big deal out of it. After all, this was the same man that had taken all of my virginities, so feeling shy or insecure felt rather absurd at this point. Plus, it wasn’t like I’d really had a choice. Had I not voluntarily removed my clothing, so that he could inspect my injuries, then he would have just torn them off me, something that I knew well.

Without a word, Avgust walked further into the bathroom, and his hazel gaze missed nothing as it raked over my body. I knew that my injuries were going to look worse in the morning, and I also knew that I was going to wake up sore as hell, but it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to wake up like that anyway. After all, I couldn’t imagine that sleeping on a concrete floor would be comfortable for anyone.

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