Page 23 of The Kotov Duet

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“After you called me, I brought Viktor here to give him instructions on his new charge, and I found Rurik trying to rape her,” Alexei answered. “Vlad was trying to talk him out of it, but that wasn’t working. As soon as I realized what was going on, Viktor and I pulled him off of her, then Viktor and Vlad handled Rurik while I called Maksim for direction. She was unconscious as he was attacking her.”

“Get out,” Avgust ordered, and his voice was harsh enough that I finally couldn’t hold in my trauma anymore.

I turned my head in time to vomit on the concrete floor, doing my best to save Maksim’s jacket from my shame. My body ached with the wretched heaves, but I couldn’t stop myself as this entire situation spilled onto the floor.

When there was nothing left, I pulled myself up a bit, feeling completely empty inside.

Chapter 15


Fury had me shaking in a way that I’d never felt before. When Maksim had called me, he’d only said that Samara had been hurt before he had put her on the phone. When she’d started speaking nonsense, begging for something that I couldn’t identify, that’s when the anger had begun to take hold. I had promised that no harm would come to her, but something had clearly happened to her.

As soon as Maksim stood up to make room for me, I carefully approached her, immediately noticing how she hadn’t bothered using Maksim’s jacket to cover herself up. The garment hung loosely around her frame, so her bra and injuries were on display for us all to see.

Kneeling next to her-something that I never fucking did-I asked, “Samara, can you stand up?”

Her blue eyes took on a wild glint as she ignored my question, falling back into her hysteria. “Don’t kill her, Avgust,” she begged. “Please…don’t hurt my sister. I…I didn’t know what I was here for…I was just…I was taken by surprise.” Fury rolled down my spine, and it was everything that I could do to appear calm before her. “Tell them that I’m sorry…tell Rurik and Vlad that…that I’ll be good.” She winced as she tried to sit up straighter. “I’ll be good for them…just…just don’t kill Masha.”

“Baby, your sister is safe,” I told her through clenched teeth. “Masha is fine. I swear it on my word as Pakhan.”

Samara started nodding nervously. “Okay…okay…” she whispered. “I can…” She stopped, then reached up to remove Maksim’s jacket. “Tell them that I’m…that I’m ready for them.”

I allowed her to remove the garment, then I grabbed it, handing it back to Maksim before I removed my own jacket to place on her shoulders. My hands were shaking, but Samara hadn’t noticed, though I was certain that Maksim had. I had so much anger coursing through my veins that I wasn’t even sure how I was functioning, but despite what I was feeling right now, Samara was the priority.

“Samara, you are not here for this,” I finally informed her. “You were not to be harmed.”

“You don’t have to lie to me, Avgust,” she said, her voice sounding alarmingly empty.

“I do not lie, vozlyublennaya,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm. “I do not need to lie.”

“Then why am I here?” she asked. “Why am I in this cage, if not to service your men when they’re in need after…after what they…they do here?”

I cursed under my breath.

Of course, this was my fault.

I hadn’t made myself clear enough where she was concerned, and she had paid the price for that lack of oversight. Yes, Rurik and Vlad were going to pay dearly for their assumptions, but that wasn’t going to help Samara through her trauma. I also didn’t care that Vlad had been trying to talk Rurik down. All that mattered was that he hadn’t stopped him, and he would have stood by while Rurik raped Samara, even knowing how I felt about rapists.

“I brought you here to make you suffer,” I admitted. “However, no harm was supposed to come to you while under my protection.”

She gave me a terse nod before saying, “It doesn’t matter as long as Masha is safe. I’m…I’m okay, Avgust.”


With just that one word, Maksim was already working to remove the cuff from Samara’s ankle, and as soon as the metal clattered on the floor, he said, “It needs to be cleaned and probably bandaged.”

Still trying to keep my anger in check, I slid my arms underneath Samara’s weakened frame, then stood up with her in my arms. When she buried her face into my neck, I’d never felt so fucking murderous in all my life, and that included when she’d left me all those years ago. I had given my word that nothing would happen to her, and Rurik and Vlad had made a liar out of me, tainting my honor as a man, turning my word as Pakhan into nothing, and the hell that I was going to make them experience was going to be unlike anything that had come before them.

Turning towards Maksim, I said, “No one touches them until I return. Understood?”

“Of course, Pakhan,” he answered.

Samara didn’t utter a word as I carried her out of the building, then to my car. As carefully as I could, I placed her in the passenger seat, thankful that she wasn’t fighting me on this. Luckily, since I didn’t live in town, the drive wouldn’t be a long one, but I was pretty sure that Samara didn’t care about the logistics of her situation. Honestly, once she snapped out of her shock, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to kill me for what had almost happened to her.

As I pulled the car onto the road, she asked, “Do you swear that my sister is safe?”

My fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “I swear it on my word as Pakhan, Razh.”

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