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“I didn’t mean me, I just meant you shouldn’t shut yourself off from—”

“I want you.” His eyes pin me in place like a rabbit in front of a wolf. “No one else. Do you know how close I was to spanking you earlier for asking why I wasn’t having sex with someone else? Your ass should wear my handprint for a week just for asking me that.”


“I can’t fuckingcontrolthe way I feel about you. And I hate it.” He sucks in a deep breath, his chest expanding. “I’m not a guy who’ll give you white picket fences and a cozy life, Ava. I’m a guy who’ll threaten to liquidize a company if they don’t sell me all their shares in a juice brand I don’t even fucking like the taste of unless it’s mixed with berry lipstick.”

I choke on a laugh.

“I’m the kind of guy who’s been in your room when you’re out so I can smell yourperfume. Who buys thousand-dollar lingerie for you, when all I’m picturing is ripping it off you so I can fuck you until the only name you know is mine.Until the world knows that you’re mine.”

“You’re deranged.”

“I’m fucking obsessed.”

His eyes drink me in like he’s playing out every filthy desire of his in his head right now.

“But I’ll ruin you, Firefly.”

My heart skips a beat.Firefly.

A glimpse of Thailand-Jet seeps into his gaze as he twirls a strand of my hair around his finger, murmuring the word,beautiful.

“You think I can’t handle you?” I whisper.

“I think you’ll hate me one day when you realize what I’ve taken from you.” He tucks the strand behind my ear and drops his hand to his side.

His voice carries a warning. He’s telling me to keep away, but all it’s doing is making my panties wet as I stare into his darkened gaze.

I want to hate him. I should tell him to take a long walk off a short jetty.

But I can’t.

I can only be overcome by a buzzing energy heating the blood in my veins at how magnetic his eyes are when they’re fixed on me like they are now. When they’re locked onto mine, looking inside me so deeply, like he sees all of my weaknesses, and they only make him want me more.

“You only take what I willingly give.”

His nostrils flare. “For now, maybe. But there’ll come a day when you’ll understand that being with me, means having things stolen from you that were never mine to take. I shouldn’t even be here with you now. I should never have touched you. I’m a selfish asshole, Ava.”

I shake my head, not understanding a word of his bullshit. Because that’s what it is.Bullshit.Words he’s hiding behind to try and make me keep my distance.

Like Jet Grant would ever ruin me. Like anyone ever could. I saw my father die in front of me while I was stuck in my seat, unable to move. He reached for me, but by the time I got to him, he was already gone. The light vanished from his eyes with his final breath, leaving them empty, staring into space.

“If that’s what you think, then I want you to leave.” My heart rate picks up, the back of my neck heating like it’s on fire.

He makes no attempt to move, so I shove his chest.

“You heard me. Fuck off.”

Memories wash up over me like acid, assaulting me one by one. I’m unable to push them back down now that they’ve gathered momentum. They reach up and suffocate me.

The crunch of metal, breaking glass, screams,agonizing screams.

My fingers tingle, my palms getting clammy.

“Ava, what’s wrong?”

I shake my head, trying to push him away. But my hand is useless, falling limply against his muscularchest like a fish that’s been out of the water for too long.

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