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“Fangirling are we now?” he asked confidently, and I pulled my head back. Eww, no!

“I wanted to tell you that you will need more sessions than the ones you had before.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” he spat as he shifted closer to me, towering over me, looking bitter. My smile grew as I tilted my head to the side.

“I saw a problem, and now we have to work on it. I expect to see you twice a week, from now on.”

Alexander’s chest moved up and down. I couldn’t tell if it was because he was frustrated with me or because of playing just now; however, all I could tell was that he was not pleased with me. He assessed me for a while before kissing his teeth.

“Fuck no. Now fuck off, little girl,” he gritted out as he left me standing alone in the hallway.

Well, there had been no reason to be that rude, but my plan had worked! Now he knew what it felt like to have people step on your toes.

Chapter 3


I’m annoyed. Fuck, she’s annoying. I watched her as she talked to Aaron, widely smiling and looking so happy. She pissed me off. What the fuck did she mean she saw a problem and now we had to work on it?

Who did she think she was? To tell me, Alexander, that I had a problem! Even if I did have a problem, I would never talk to her about it. More than her annoying title, her mere presence was aggravating. What would it take to drive her away?

I’d never liked the previous mental performance consultant, and did she think just because she’s new and offered a few kind smiles that I would just fold and follow her like a lost sheep? Fuck no, and fuck her. She’d been gnawing my skin ever since she showed up, parking her small-sized car in my parking spot. Did she not see the “reserved” sign? Was it not clear enough for her big hazel-green eyes? Or did she automatically think she could park there because she’s a mental performance consultant?

I sure gave her a performance to consult about when I got her car towed away. It was completely warranted; it was my spot, and some little girl shouldn’t have felt so entitled to it. I was more than willing to give her a few lessons to put her in her place.

Why is she looking at me? Snarling, I looked away and put my hand on my knee to stop my leg from bopping so much. Wait. Why did I look away? Do I look like some bitch to her now because I couldn’t keep her gaze? As I turned to look at her again, she was smirking as she looked at me.

I guess I did look like some sort of bitch.

Sighing, I crossed my leg over the other and leaned back on my seat. Folding my arms over my chest, I stared at her, offering a challenge. I was more than capable of holding the gaze of people, especially women. Ask them!

She laughed at something Aaron said and rolled her eyes as she looked away from me. She waved her hand while she walked away from Aaron, saying she had some work to get to. I guess I’d won that staring contest. She possibly couldn’t handle the intense gaze of a man.

I’m being petty, aren’t I?

Had Aaron just offered to escort her to her office?

“What are you brooding for, Alex?” Leo, the second baseman, asked me as he sat down next to me. “What did Aaron do to you?” He bit into his apple as he crossed his leg over the other.

“Nothing,” I grumbled, annoyed that he had to come and disturb my brewing.

“Is it because he’s friends with Naomi?” he sang, and I looked at him from the corner of my eye. “You jealous?”

“Not in a million years,” I gritted, shuddering in disgust. “She’s annoying,” I said as I got up, and he gasped, slowly removing the apple away from his lips.

“Who’s annoying?” he asked slowly, as if he weren’t sure what I had said.

“Miss Collins.” I mimicked her voice, and Leo put his hand on his chest, looking offended.

“Which Miss Collins?”

“The fuck, dude?” I was getting annoyed; what did he mean by which? “How many are there?”

“There’s only one,” he said as he got up. “And she’s amazing!”

“And?” I raised my eyebrow, and Leo just continued gasping as if he couldn’t believe what I was saying. “She’s galling.” I shrugged and his eyes widened. He shook his head and circled my whole body with his half-eaten apple. I’d never found an apple to be so annoying before, but Leo had definitely put a new reputation to it.

“You. Have. Issues.” He emphasized every word, his Latino accent coming out stronger. “Atrocious issues!” He opened his palm and rolled his eyes as he walked away.

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