Page 31 of Untamed Hearts

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I left his office feeling excited. The upcoming state race could be our chance to turn everything around. Now I just needed to gather the courage to speak with Ashlyn.



The sun was low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the sprawling fields. I rode Phantom along familiar trails. With each rhythmic beat of his hooves, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, as if the world around us had faded away. It was just me and him, a powerful partnership that had developed into something magical over the past few weeks. He moved effortlessly beneath me, his strong muscles working in perfect harmony as we navigated the winding paths of the ranch.

I couldn’t help but smile at how far we’d come together. Phantom had transformed from a spirited, somewhat unruly horse into a confident competitor. He was no longer just a beautiful creature; he

was my teammate, my equal in a way I had never anticipated. As we cantered through the fields, I felt a connection with him that transcended words—a bond built on trust and understanding. I could

sense his energy, his excitement, as he galloped forward, eager to explore every inch of the land we called home.

But even in the midst of this blissful ride, my thoughts drifted back to Stephanie and the financial strain she was facing. I knew she was worried about the ranch and the costs of running it. About how the future looked uncertain.

I could help her. I had the means to do so in a heartbeat. I had a considerable amount, money that was meant to provide me with a fresh start—a new life away from the chaos of my past.

But the thought of sharing that wealth with Stephanie brought up a torrent of conflicting emotions.

What would she think if I offered her money? Would she feel embarrassed, or worse, indebted? I couldn’t bear the thought of Stephanie looking at me differently. Questioning where the money came from, or why I had it in the first place. There was still a part of me that worried about being discovered. My past life and the secrets I had buried so deep threatened to resurface. The last thing I wanted was to taint what we were building together with my past mistakes.

“Easy there, big guy,” I murmured to Phantom, feeling his eagerness beneath me. He pranced forward, clearly picking up on my tension. I gently squeezed my legs, urging him to slow down. He complied, settling into a steady trot as I took a deep breath, trying to shake off my worries.

The crisp air filled my lungs and I focused on the rhythm of his movement, allowing the connection between us to ground me. I remembered the way Phantom had raced around the track, fueled by adrenaline and the thrill of competition. It was during those moments that I realized how much I loved riding him. How much I loved being in control, while letting him shine.

“Let’s show them what we’re made of,” I whispered, patting his neck affectionately. Phantom tossed his head, as if in agreement, and I felt a rush of excitement pulse through me. We had a race coming up soon. While the thought of competition thrilled me, it also made my heart race for entirely different reasons. Would Phantom be ready? Would we be able to stand out from the other competitors?

But then I thought of Stephanie’s face, and remembered how proud she had looked after Phantom’s first race. She had believed in us when we needed it most, and I wanted to return that faith. I could still see Stephanie standing at the edge of the track, her eyes alight with joy as she cheered us on. I wanted to make her proud, not just as a rider, but as someone who could take care of her own.

We went around a bend in the trail and I leaned down to whisper sweet nothings to Phantom. “We’ll figure it out. I promise.” He snorted softly and I felt warmth radiating from his body, a reminder that we were in this together.

But the reality of Stephanie’s situation still loomed over me like a dark cloud. What if she refused my financial help, even if I offered? What if my wealth only complicated things further? She had always been fiercely independent, a trait I admired, but I could see the cracks beginning to form under the pressure. The last thing I wanted was to push her away by offering too much too soon.

And aside from that, although in some ways we were closer than ever, I was keeping secrets and I knew she was holding something back, too.

We approached a small rise in the landscape and I felt Phantom’s muscles tense beneath me, his instincts kicking in as he sensed the change in terrain. I urged him forward, feeling the thrill of adrenaline rush through us as we leapt over the crest. The world spread out before us, a sprawling panorama of green fields and distant hills. For a moment, I forgot my worries. In that instant, I

felt invincible, as if nothing could touch us.

But as we descended and returned to the gentle slope, my doubts returned. I wanted to be open with Stephanie, to share everything with her. I wanted to tell her that I could help, that I could ease some of her burdens. But I hesitated, unsure how to approach the topic. I didn’t want to bring it up too soon or make her feel uncomfortable. I wanted Stephanie to know that I cared, but I also wanted her to stand on her own two feet.

Maybe I’ll just wait a little longer, I thought, feeling a twinge of guilt. She’ll ask if she needs it. She always has. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I didn’t say something soon, this might become a

barrier between us—a wall built from unspoken words and hidden truths.

With a sigh, I nudged Phantom into a gallop, the wind whipping through my hair. And I let go of my worries, if only for a moment. The horse responded eagerly, charging ahead, and I focused on the rhythm of his movements, the beat of his heart matching my own. In that beautiful moment, I knew we were unstoppable together. I could only hope that our bond could withstand the pressures of

our current reality.

I led Phantom into the barn, the familiar scent of hay and leather wrapping around me like a warm embrace. The soft nickers of the other horses soothed me as I carefully unfastened his saddle, the day’s adrenaline still buzzing through my veins. I felt a rush of satisfaction at how well Phantom been today, but my exhilaration was tempered by an underlying tension that had started to gnaw at my insides.

Just as I finished brushing down Phantom, I heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. I turned, my heart fluttering as I saw Stephanie step into the dim light of the barn.

Her face was alight with excitement and her eyes were sparkling as she rushed towards me.

“Ashlyn!” she exclaimed, her voice ringing with enthusiasm. “You won’t believe what I just talked about with Bill! He thinks Phantom has real potential. If you win the state race in two weeks, we can secure everything! He’s confident we can make it work!”

My stomach dropped as her words sank in. The weight of her expectations felt heavy. I forced a smile, but inside, my mind was racing. Winning that race was not just a challenge; it was a direct violation of the agreement I had signed.

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