Page 30 of Untamed Hearts

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His words hit me like a punch to the gut and I felt my chest tighten. I knew he was right, but I couldn’t let the ranch—my sanctuary—slip through my fingers. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” I

said, my voice steady despite the storm raging inside me.

Bill leaned forward, his eyes searching mine. “That’s the spirit, Stephanie. But we need to be realistic. Have you considered cutting back on some of the expenses?”

I nodded, my mind racing with potential solutions. “I’m open to it. I just need to find a way to keep the ranch running, while also taking care of Phantom and the other animals.”

Bill sighed, his expression softening. “You’re passionate about this and I want to see you succeed. But we need a solid plan moving forward.”

I sat there, feeling the enormity of the situation settle over me. This wasn’t just about finances. It was about my life, my dreams, and everything I had fought for. But I couldn’t let fear dictate my

actions. I was determined to save my ranch, no matter what it took.

Bill leaned back in his chair, studying me closely. I could feel the weight of his gaze, and knew he was assessing my reluctance to discuss any drastic changes. After a moment, he cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had settled over us. “Stephanie,” he began, his tone thoughtful. “I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about Phantom since that local derby. It seems like he really has potential.”

I nodded, feeling a swell of pride at the mention of Phantom’s name. “He does. Ashlyn has a real way with him. They’ve built an incredible bond and it shows on the track.”

Bill smiled, the corners of his mouth lifting as he nodded. “That’s great to hear. But have you considered entering him in the state race coming up? I’ve heard the prize is a hundred grand for first place.”

My heart raced at the thought. One hundred thousand dollars! That could change everything for the ranch.

“The state race?” I said. “I . . . I hadn’t really thought about it. That’s a huge commitment.”

“I get that,” Bill said, leaning forward, his elbows resting on the desk. “But think about what that kind of money could do for you. It could secure the ranch for the next two years, and that would give you a little breathing room. I could defer your debts for the next month until the race, allowing you to focus on preparing Phantom without that added pressure.”

I let his words sink in, possibilities swirling in my mind. “You really think he has a chance?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“From what I’ve seen and heard, absolutely. And, I am a betting man. But it all depends on how you handle the training and preparation. Ashlyn seems to have a good grasp on him. With the right approach, you could be in it to win.”

I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation at the thought. “What if we don’t win? What if Phantom isn’t ready?” My anxiety crept back in, tightening my chest.

Bill waved a hand dismissively, a reassuring smile on his face. “You won’t know unless you try.

You’ve already seen what he can do in a competitive setting. Just think of the confidence that a win will bring you and Ashlyn. Besides, with the right training regimen, I believe he will be ready.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, envisioning Phantom’s powerful strides as he thundered down the track, the wind whipping through his mane and Ashlyn’s focused determination guiding him. The picture felt exhilarating, yet terrifying. “I know Ashlyn is dedicated, but we’re still relatively new to this. The state race is a whole different ball game.”

“True,” Bill conceded, “but every race is a learning experience. This is an opportunity to elevate both your and Phantom’s standing in the racing community. It’s your chance to shine and I believe you both can rise to the occasion. You’re a talented owner and coach, and with Ashlyn’s support, I can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t take this leap.”

A fire ignited within me at his encouragement. “You really think we can do it?”

“Without a doubt,” Bill replied, his voice firm. “I’ve seen you work with Phantom, and I believe in your ability to manage this. Plus, it would secure your financial future for a while. You won’t be just

surviving; you’ll be thriving.”

I ran a hand through my hair, the weight of his words settling in. This was a significant decision, but it also felt like a possible turning point. “If we do this, I want to make sure Ashlyn is on board. She’s

been instrumental in Phantom’s training and I don’t want to take her for granted.”

Bill nodded approvingly. “That’s a smart move. You’ll need to communicate and strategize together. It’s a partnership, after all. But don’t forget that this is also about you, Stephanie. You’ve put in so much hard work. Don’t shy away from this opportunity just because you’re worried about the ‘what ifs.’”

Somewhere in the middle of our meeting, my anxiety had begun to dissipate, to be replaced by a glimmer of hope. “Okay. I’ll talk to Ashlyn. If she’s up for it, then I think we can make this happen.”

“Great!” Bill beamed, his excitement infectious. “I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s get Phantom registered and I’ll help you set up a training plan. This is the beginning of something big, Stephanie.”

“Thank you, Bill. I really appreciate your belief in me. It means a lot,” I said, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

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