Page 21 of Untamed Hearts

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That was my gut feeling about him, anyway. You could never be too sure. Phantom could hate the spotlight, or he could be distracted by the crowds. Or maybe it would all be too much for him.

Eventually, I made the decision to accept the terms of the agreement and to embrace the risk and uncertainty that lay ahead. For better or for worse, it was my ticket to redemption, my chance to prove myself. And I needed to talk to Stephanie.

As I watched her approach, warmth washed over me, banishing the doubts and worries that had plagued my mind. In that moment, all thoughts of Phantom and the agreement faded into the background, replaced by the simple joy of being in Stephanie’s presence.

Her smile was like sunshine on a cloudy day, bright and infectious, lighting up the space between us with its radiant warmth. As she drew nearer, I couldn’t help but marvel at the grace and poise with

which she moved, a testament to the strength and resilience that lay within her.

I greeted Stephanie with a smile of my own, my heart swelling with affection as I offered her the breakfast I had gone to such lengths to acquire. It had involved an hour round-trip into town, to the bakery. A small gesture, but one that felt significant in its simplicity. A tangible expression of my desire to make her happy.

It was easy to feel the electricity between us. We talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams with a newfound ease and intimacy. This felt both exhilarating and terrifying. But there was also an undercurrent of longing that pulsed beneath the surface, a silent yearning that begged to be acknowledged. I found myself drawn to Stephanie in ways I couldn’t fully comprehend, my heart racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension in her presence.

I felt alive in a way I hadn’t in years, my senses heightened and emotions laid bare. She had a way of seeing straight through me, of stripping away the layers of pretense and self-doubt, to reveal the true essence of who I was. We sat there together, basking in the glow of each other’s company, and I knew with a certainty that defied logic that Stephanie was something special. Sitting across from her, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as she prepared to share her past with me. Her eyes held a hint of vulnerability, yet I sensed a quiet determination within her that drew me in.

“So, you want to know about my time in the army?” Stephanie began, her voice soft, but filled with a sense of purpose.

I nodded eagerly, leaning in closer to catch every word she spoke. “Absolutely. I’m all ears.”

Stephanie’s smile was warm as she began to recount her journey. “Well, it feels like a lifetime ago now, but it all started right after college. I wanted to make a difference, you know?”

Listening intently, I nodded, captivated by her story. “I can definitely understand that,” I said. “What made you decide to become an army doctor?”

Stephanie’s gaze drifted as she spoke. “It was a combination of things, really. I wanted to serve my country and being a doctor seemed like the best way to do that. Plus, I’ve always had a passion for medicine.”

As Stephanie shared her experiences, I found myself drawn deeper into her world. I realized I was hanging on to her every word. “That makes sense,” I said encouragingly. “It must have been quite the journey.”

Stephanie’s smile softened, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. “It was. There were moments of both triumph and hardship, but overall, my path shaped me into the person I am today.”

Admiring Stephanie’s strength, I reached out, lightly touching her hand. “I am impressed by your strength, Stephanie. It takes a special kind of person to serve in the army.”

A blush spread across Stephanie’s cheeks at the compliment, gratitude evident in her eyes.

“Thank you, Ashlyn. That means a lot, coming from you.”

Returning her smile, I felt a warmth spread through me, the connection between us growing stronger with each passing moment. “Of course. I genuinely mean it. You’re incredibly brave and resilient.”

Stephanie’s joy was palpable as she met my gaze. “That’s really sweet of you to say. It hasn’t always been easy, but I wouldn’t change a thing.” We shared a moment of comfortable silence, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to get to know Stephanie on a deeper level.

“So, what was your proudest experience during your time in the army?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

Stephanie’s eyes lit up as she recalled her past adventures. “Oh, there are so many to choose from. But I those that stick in my mind are the lives I saved under difficult circumstances. Performing surgery in the field. Being the difference between life and death.”

I couldn’t imagine it. A war zone. Injured soldiers. Stephanie rushing in. “Wow, that sounds intense. I can’t even imagine. But, you have that about you. That calmness under pressure. I can imagine you were pretty good at saving lives.”

Stephanie’s warm smile filled the room but she was holding something back, I could see it in her eyes. “It was definitely a unique experience. But it also taught me a lot about myself and what I’m capable of.”

“Why did you leave the army,” I asked and a shadow crossed her face, and she seemed to retreat into herself. Her eyes clouded over with a hint of sadness. “I . . . I’m not ready to talk about that yet,” Stephanie replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

I could sense the walls she had erected around her past, a barrier she wasn’t yet ready to dismantle. Respectful of her boundaries, I nodded understandingly. “That’s okay, Stephanie. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable.”

A mixture of relief and gratitude flickered across Stephanie’s features as she met my gaze. “Thank you, Ashlyn. It’s just . . . it’s still a bit raw, you know?”

I reached out, gently squeezing her hand in a silent gesture of support. “I understand. Take all the time you need. I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”

Stephanie’s smile returned, albeit a bit subdued. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

There was silence for just a moment.

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