Page 20 of Untamed Hearts

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I felt my body jolting as she fucked me. I wanted more. I wanted harder. I wanted to lose myself forever in this feeling of being fucked.

“Harder…” I murmured.

“Oh baby, I thought you would never ask,” she responded and I felt suddenly more stretched by her, I felt like she was ramming herself into my body to take me completely and I wanted to go all the way there with her.

I felt my orgasm building deep inside me.

“I’m so close,” I gasped.

There had been plenty of times with past lovers that my orgasm had been hard to reach- most likely down to my overthinking. That certainly wasn’t the case with Ashlyn- far from it.

“Come for me, Baby, come for my fingers fucking you,” she purred and her thumb pressed against my clitoris. The sound of her filthy words tipped me over the edge and my body exploded in climax in response. Pleasure radiated through every part of me.

I couldn’t imagine anything ever being this good. Her fingers slid slowly out of me and she lay on top of me and kissed me tenderly.

“You are so beautiful,” she said and I felt warmth flooding my body.

I felt her wetness against my thigh.

I moved my hand, my fingers seeking her out to give her pleasure in return.

“Your mouth, baby,” she murmured. “Can I come in your mouth?”

“Yes,” my response was eager, perhaps too quick and she raised an eyebrow. But, she didn’t hesitate. She moved to straddle my face and I buried my face in her, my tongue working eagerly to please her, tasting the sweet muskiness of her, licking every part of her, losing myself in her wetness until she cried out and came hard on my tongue gripping a handful of my hair as she did.

“Fuck, Steph,” she said as she relaxed her grip and moved off my face finally.

Mostly I don’t let people call me Steph. But she did and I liked it.

It seemed as though there had never been a past and would be no future. Only the present mattered—the intoxicating thrill of being lost in each other’s embrace.



The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I lay there, lost in thought. The events of last night played over in my mind like a reel of film, each moment etched into my memory with crystal clarity. It had been the best date I had ever been on, hands down.

As I lay there, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Being with Stephanie felt . . . right, in a way that I hadn’t experienced before. There was a comfort in her presence, a familiarity that made me feel at ease in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

But along with that comfort came a sense of unease, a nagging voice in the back of my mind warning me of the dangers that lay ahead. I knew that getting involved with Stephanie could complicate things, not just for me but for her as well. We came from different worlds, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that our paths were destined to diverge. And despite the risks, I found myself drawn to her in a way that I couldn’t ignore. There was something about Stephanie that called to me, something I couldn’t resist. It wasn’t just her beauty or her intelligence, though both were undeniable. It was something deeper, something intangible that spoke to my soul on a level that I couldn’t fully comprehend.

As much as I wanted to explore those feelings, to see where they might lead, I needed to proceed with caution. I couldn’t afford to let my emotions run wild, not when there was so much at stake. And so, as I lay there in the quiet of the morning, I vowed to tread carefully. To guard my heart against the inevitable storm that lay ahead.

My thoughts drifted from Stephanie to Phantom, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride at the progress we had made together. In the short time since I had taken on the role of his trainer, he had grown by leaps and bounds, responding to my guidance and commands with a level of trust and obedience that I hadn’t anticipated. But along with that progress came a new set of challenges, because Phantom’s newfound confidence and skill demanded more from me as his trainer. No longer content with simple exercises and routines, I knew the next step was preparing him for competitions.

While part of me relished the thought of taking the horse to races, showcasing his talent to the world, another part of me hesitated, aware of the potential dangers. The world of horse racing was fraught with risks, both physical and emotional, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was leading Phantom into uncharted territory. That plus the threat that lingered over me from the past.

But I also remembered that when I had looked into his eyes, I had seen the fire of determination burning bright. A hunger for success that mirrored my own. In that moment, I knew that I couldn’t hold him back. I had to trust in his abilities, and in my own as his trainer. I continued to think about the path ahead for Phantom and me.

However, nagging thought soon crept in, casting a shadow over my newfound optimism. The looming decision about the severance package I had received from my former employer. It was a tempting offer that promised financial security in exchange for my silence. The terms of the agreement were clear: I was to accept a substantial sum of money and agree never to speak of my time at Brooks Creek, nor to seek employment within the state of Kentucky. This would eliminate any trace of my past and would allow me to start anew.

But as I considered the implications of such an arrangement, unease settled in the pit of my stomach. What if I was found out anyway? What if someone were to uncover the truth of my past, unearthing the secrets I had buried deep within? The consequences could be catastrophic, not only for me, but for Phantom and Stephanie as well. If my past with Monica were to come to light, it could jeopardize everything we had worked so hard to build together, casting a shadow of doubt and suspicion over our fledgling relationship.

If I accepted the agreement, I could start over again with a clean slate. Still, I hesitated.

Something within me rebelled against the idea of sacrificing my freedom for the sake of financial gain and allowing myself to be bound by the chains of secrecy and deceit.

The problem was that if Phantom ever qualified for the biggest race of all- the Kentucky Derby, which I knew was a possibility, I wouldn’t be able to take him there because I would have signed papers to keep me out of the state. And Phantom was the kind of horse who could go far. Phantom was going to be a champion and he would need me there beside him.

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