Page 12 of Untamed Hearts

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I stumbled into the kitchen, my mind still reeling from the remnants of my interrupted dream. I was surprised to find Ashlyn already there, seated at the table alongside Melody, signing paperwork. Seeing Ashlyn sent a jolt of surprise through me and my heart skipped a beat at the unexpected encounter. I hadn’t expected to encounter her so early in the morning, especially not after the previous day’s events.

“Good morning,” Ashlyn said, greeting me with a warm smile. Her gaze met mine and a hint of amusement danced in her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind, but Melody and I thought we’d get a head start on the paperwork.”

I blinked in confusion, still trying to process the sight before me. It was clear that Ashlyn had accepted the job offer, despite the low pay and the uncertainty of our arrangement. And yet, there was something in her demeanor that seemed different, a sense of determination and resolve that I hadn’t seen before.

“Of course I don’t mind,” I replied, my voice tinged with surprise. “I’m just . . . I’m surprised to see you here so early.”

Ashlyn shrugged, her expression casual yet determined. “I wanted to get started right away,” she explained, her tone firm. “I’m eager to get to work with Phantom and see what we can accomplish together.”

I nodded, unable to hide the sense of relief that washed over me at her words. Despite my reservations and despite the risks, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of working with Ashlyn.

As we gathered around the table, Ashlyn wasted no time in diving into her plan for Phantom. Her demeanor was focused and her tone confident as she outlined her observations and the strategies she wanted to try.

“So, here’s what I’ve noticed,” she began, her voice firm yet measured. “Phantom is a strong, powerful horse with a lot of potential. But he’s also highly sensitive, stubborn and resistant to authority, which is why he’s been so difficult to train.”

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. Phantom had always been a challenge, his rebellious spirit proving to be a formidable obstacle.

“But I believe that with the right approach, we can make some real progress,” Ashlyn continued, her gaze steady as she met my eyes. Her green eyes were intense.

“First and foremost, we need to establish trust and respect between us and Phantom. Without that foundation, any attempts at training will be doomed to fail.”

I listened intently as Ashlyn outlined her plan, her words painting a vivid picture of the challenges that lay ahead and the strategies she proposed to overcome them.

“We’ll start by working on ground manners,” she explained, her voice firm. “Phantom needs to learn to be calm around us on the ground. That means reinforcing basic commands like ‘halt,’ ‘back up,’ and ‘stand.’ We don’t want anyone going in his stall and being at risk of being kicked.”

I nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of establishing clear boundaries and expectations with Phantom before attempting to tackle more advanced training techniques.

“Once we’ve established trust and respect on the ground, we can start re-introducing him to the saddle,” Ashlyn continued, her tone confident. “But it’s important to take things slow and steady, he needs to be calm and willing at each stage. It is pointless starting a war with him every time we get on him. Pointless having to try and cling on each time when he starts his antics. If he carries on like this, someone will get seriously hurt.”

I listened intently as Ashlyn outlined her plan, her words filled with wisdom and the experience gained from years of working with difficult horses. It was clear that she was passionate about her craft.

“And of course, we’ll need to address any underlying physical issues that may be contributing to Phantom’s behavior,” Ashlyn added, her voice tinged with concern. “I’ll need to conduct a thorough

examination to rule out any pain or discomfort that may be causing him to act out.” I nodded in agreement, but also felt confident she would find no physical ailments. Phantom’s problems were all in his mind- I was confident of that.

“Let’s start with his daily schedule,” she began, her voice firm and authoritative. “I need to know exactly what Phantom’s routine looks like, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed.

Consistency is key when it comes to training, and I want to make sure we’re providing Phantom with the structure and stability he needs to thrive.”

I nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of establishing a consistent routine for Phantom to follow. His schedule had always been somewhat haphazard, with tasks and chores often taking precedence over any kind of routine for the horses.

On another level, my body was reacting to Ashlyn’s presence. I couldn’t help but feel a flush run through me when I heard her speak in such an authoritarian manner. Maybe because I was so used to military direction, or else my own slightly submissive nature when it came to intimacy, I found that her words and the intensity of her green eyes sent heat right through me like a lightning bolt.

“Next, I’ll need to know about his diet,” Ashlyn continued, her tone serious. “What does he eat? How much, and how often? Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining his health and energy levels,

but being careful not to feed foods that will make him too buzzed.”

I rattled off the details of Phantom’s diet, from the type of hay he preferred to his favorite treats and supplements. It helped to get my mind back on track.

Sort of.

Because there in front of me, temptingly close was Ashlyn Beech. Her full lips- the ones that kissed me- taunting me.

I wanted her to kiss me again.

I wanted to hear that direct authoritative tone of her voice in the bedroom.

Heat flooded between my legs.

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