Page 10 of Untamed Hearts

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We approached a sand track that was clear it was used to run the horses and I felt Phantom becoming tense beneath me. He knew this was where they liked to run. Meanwhile Stephanie’s white horse broke into a jog beneath her and I admired her calm hands and the lovely line of her body as it became one with the horse beneath her.

Oh, to be between those thighs.

“We won’t run them today,” I said. “I know horses are creatures of habit and they won’t like it but he mostly needs to learn to relax.”

Stephanie nodded.

I could sense Phantom’s anger as I turned him past the entrance to his track and asked him just to walk for me, his muscles coiled like springs beneath me. I sat quietly. His movements became jerky and erratic as he tried to throw me off balance. I sat calmly again. The worst thing you can do with a tense horse is to transmit tension yourself or to let yourself show any fear. Phantom suddenly launched and began to buck and twist beneath me as though he no longer wanted a rider along for the journey. Each jolt sent a shockwave of adrenaline coursing through my veins and I used my core and my balance learnt from riding a thousand horses like this to stay in the saddle and stay calm.

I rode out the storm and kept asking as calmly as I could for walk and for relaxation and eventually, realising I wasn’t going anywhere and I wasn’t actually forcing him to do anything, he calmed and I felt him relax beneath me.

A small win.

It was a start.

I met Stephanie’s eyes as she smiled at me. “I knew you were the right one for him. I could sense it. Not many riders would still be sitting aboard right now, you were incredible,”

I knew that was true. Being able to stay on a difficult horse when it decides it doesn’t want you there is half the battle.

“Ah, it was easy,” I gave my best charming smile back knowing full well the effect it had on women.

I watched as Stephanie’s blue eyes looked away and a flush ran through her cheeks.

Seeing a beautiful woman flustered by me was something I was a big fan of.

Stop it, Ashlyn. For god’s sake.

We made it back to the barn in one piece and we dismounted. As I stood beside Phantom, his eyes searched mine for some sign of weakness. But then, in a fleeting moment of unexpected tenderness, he nuzzled my hand, as though a silent acknowledgment of our shared struggle.

We both returned our horses to their stalls and stripped them of the saddle and bridles they were wearing. As I removed Phantom’s saddle pad the steam rose from his body.

I left the stall and turned to face Stephanie. I could see the kaleidoscope of emotions flickering across her face— awe, uncertainty, and something else. Something I couldn’t quite name. Her blue eyes were fixed on mine. Her lips were parted.

Without a second thought, I closed the distance between us. My hand reached out to cup her cheek as I leaned in to press my lips against hers. The kiss was gentle yet passionate, a silent confession of the emotions swirling between us. A moment of vulnerability and connection amid the chaos of the morning.

Time seemed to stand still as our lips met, the world falling away as we lost ourselves in the heat of it. Her mouth opened and my tongue pushed inside.

And in that brief, stolen moment, I felt a sense of clarity wash over me—a realization that despite the challenges we faced, despite my uncertainty about the future, there was something undeniable between us.

But as quickly as it had begun, the moment was over. I pulled back, my heart pounding with exhilaration and trepidation. Stephanie’s eyes met mine, wide with surprise and uncertainty. For a moment, neither of us spoke, the weight of what we had done hanging heavy in the air. Then, with a shaky breath, Stephanie reached out to touch my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. “Ashlyn,” she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, “what was that?”

I searched her eyes, looking for some sign of understanding, some indication of what had just passed between us. But I found uncertainty and a flicker of fear dancing in the depths of her gaze.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. “But . . . but I couldn’t help myself. There’s something about you, Stephanie. Something that draws me to you like a moth to a flame.”

Stephanie’s expression softened, a hint of warmth flickering in her eyes as she reached out to take my hand in hers. “I feel it too, Ashlyn,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “There’s something between us, something . . . undeniable.”

I knew this wasn’t the first time I had done something like this and I didn’t want to put this on Stephanie, too.

I couldn’t shake the memory of what had happened with Monica—the risks, the consequences, and the heartache. Despite the undeniable connection I felt with Stephanie, I knew I couldn’t afford to let my guard down again. Couldn’t risk opening myself up to the possibility of getting hurt. And, in turn, hurting her.

With a heavy heart, I pulled away from Stephanie, my gaze dropping to the ground as I struggled to find the words to explain.

So, I didn’t.

“I . . . I would like to take the job, if it’s still available,” I said, my voice curt and businesslike. “I’ll be back tomorrow to go through the paperwork.” I could feel Stephanie’s eyes on me, trying to understand what had changed between us. But I couldn’t bring myself to meet her gaze. I couldn’t bear to see the hurt and confusion in her eyes.

For a moment, there was silence between us, the weight of our unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air. And then, with a nod of resignation, Stephanie spoke, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. “Of course,” she said, her tone subdued. “I’ll have everything ready for you tomorrow.”

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