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“It’s going to be fine,” Everly said. “It’s probably not as bad as you think.”

I shook my head, doubting their every word.

“We also slept together,” I blurted.

Both girls looked over at me, shock on their faces.

“Alright, well, that just opened an entirely new can of worms.”


Liam, Joe, and I all sat in my living room watching the game. I’d needed to be surrounded by my friends tonight. I needed to get out of my head. After listening to Bexley tell me her story, something inside of me snapped, and I was brought back to the horrific night I’d lived through years ago.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I grabbed it. I sighed when I saw Bexley’s name on the screen. Never had I hated seeing her name as much as I did right now. Ignoring the message, I shut my phone off and shoved it back into my pocket.

“Come on!” Liam shouted, bringing me back to the living room.

“How the hell did he miss that?” Joe yelled.

“Where the hell are Tate and Dax?” Liam questioned, looking at his watch. “I knew I should have stopped and gotten the beer.”

“They will be here. They sent a text ten minutes ago. Traffic.”

I heard the slam of the front door and glanced at the boys. “There they are,” I said, getting up and making my way to the door. I could use a beer right about now.

I rounded the corner, expecting to have a case of beer shoved my way, but was shocked when instead of Tate and Dax, Maya stood there.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I questioned, irritated that she was going to break up another guys’ night out. I was also angry at her. She’d been the one who’d set this all up. She’d known my history.

“I need to talk to you,” she said, not looking the least bit guilty.

“You need to talk to me? Why?” I barked.

“Please, Hudson. Bexley is a mess.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, it’s a mess you created,” I gritted. “You deal with it. I’m done.”

Just then the door opened and in walked Tate and Dax, both laughing. The second they laid eyes on us, though, the laughter stopped. Dax handed me the case of beer, which I took into the kitchen and passed four bottles to Tate to carry into the living room for the guys. I took the moment to get some into the fridge when all I really wanted to do was to return and watch the game.

Maya took a couple of steps into the kitchen and leaned against the door. She said nothing; she just stood there watching me.

“Hudson, please.”

“Please what?” I barked. “How the hell could you fix me up with her, knowing what she went through? Knowing full well that I could never be with someone who killed another person while they were driving?”

Maya knew the story well. I’d been friends with her brother when the accident happened.

“Come on, Hudson. Bex is nothing like the drunk driver who killed your pregnant girlfriend. There has to be more to the story than she is letting on. She was never arrested, and she was told it was an accident.”

“Yeah, says you. You know, in my career, we have to accept the fact that sometimes there is just no justice for the victims who are completely innocent. This appears that it was one of those times. She got off. Lucky her.”

“Come on, Hudson, you know Bex. Couldn’t you see the way it tore her up when she told you?”

I chuckled in disbelief. “Yeah, just like I see it every day with the people who cause the accidents. Just like I saw in court when the lawyer got the guy off for taking away two people who meant the world to me. I see no difference here.”

“You take that back.”

I turned and met Maya’s eyes. “I won’t. She was lucky, and some poor girl out there is without the love of her life because of her.”

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