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Poppy: I think you are jumping to conclusions. They are being guys. Maybe he needs help with a car repair or something. Or maybe they just want to drink beer in peace.

Maya: I’m telling you, something is going on.

Bexley: Ugh. Can’t you just leave it alone?

I threw my phone on the couch and buried my face in my hands. I took a few deep breaths and picked my phone back up.

Maya: I told you girls there was something wrong.

Everly: Maybe she is just having a day. You were pretty grumpy the other day, according to Liam.

Poppy: No, I’m going to have to agree with Maya. Something isn’t right. She isn’t normally this short. I’m worried.

Maya: We should go to her place instead of bowling, find out what is going on.

Everly: I’m not sure that is a good idea. This is the therapist talking now.

That was the last message on my phone. They’d been sent while I’d been trying to calm myself down. I did not know what was going on or if they were really going to show up at my door.

Bexley: Hello???

I watched for any sign or a response, but there was nothing. It was like I was yelling into the void. I got up, slipped my feet into my slippers, and went to the kitchen to make some tea. I’d just gotten back to the couch when I heard a knock on my door. As I approached, I heard both Poppy and Everly talking away. I let out a breath and pulled the door open.

“What’s going on?” I questioned.

“Maya sent us. Damage control,” Everly said, coming in with an enormous bag of popcorn.

“I’ve got the chocolate,” Poppy added, holding up two bags of my favorite candy-coated chocolate, which only reminded me of movie night.

Everly wrapped her arms around me before heading into the living room, and Poppy did the same. These two were going to make me break down, I just knew it. Once they were inside, Ishut and locked the door, then joined them in the living room.

When they’d finally got me talking, there was no turning back. I told them about the accident because that was what had upset me the most. The fact that I’d told Hudson something so personal, and something that had harmed me as much as it had, only to have him walk out on me, had devastated me. The entire time I sat there sharing the story with them, I was worried that they would do the same thing Hudson had.

When I finished, I wiped my cheeks. My chest hurt, my eyes were red, I was a complete and utter mess. Poppy and Everly looked at one another, and then Everly reached over and took hold of my hand.

“Bex, you went through something very traumatic. It’s okay to be upset, and it’s not a wonder you pulled away from all of us. Are you sure you didn’t read into his leaving? That perhaps he hadn’t gotten a text about something and had to leave?”

“I was sitting right there. He never touched his phone.”

“You realize that when you were telling us about the accident that you never actually looked at either of us? Are you certain you didn’t do the same thing with him?”

I thought for a moment. This was why I never talked about this accident, because when I had to, I blanked every time. I’d done it with Maya, and I’d done it with the doctor I’d seen at the hospital who had prescribed me sleeping pills shortly after it happened because I hadn’t been able to sleep. When I’d walked from that appointment, he’d also given me a referral to see a psychiatrist. I could remember being pissed off about it at the time, but perhaps Everly was on to something.

“I don’t think so. I mean, he was right beside me. I’m sure I would have noticed.”

“You didn’t notice when we offered you popcorn or these little delights,” Everly said, holding up the bag of candy.

I frowned. Had I really blacked out? I could remember everything I’d said.

“I think you should come down to the clinic on Monday. I can see if Clara can see you, or one of the other doctors,” Everly said, clearly worried about me.

I sat back in the chair. “Fine.”

“I think you need to talk to him, Bex,” Poppy said. “Make sure it’s really the way you think it is. Why don’t you send him a text?” She nodded toward my phone.

With both their eyes on me, I picked up my phone and typed a message, then hit send. Then I looked at them both and they smiled.

“We will find out exactly what is going on,” she said, passing me the popcorn.

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