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“Does Bexley seem like someone who is irresponsible? Someone who would get behind the wheel of a car intoxicated just because?” Maya questioned, not once backing down.

Just then, Joe came into the kitchen. At first, I saw shock on his face at the fact his sister was here, but then he noticed the tension in the room. “What’s going on?” he asked. “I could hear yelling all the way down the hall.”

“Nothing!” we both shouted.

“Doesn’t appear that way.”

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Joe stood there staring at the pair of us, probably not sure he should leave for fear one of us took a swing at the other. Finally, I ripped my eyes from hers. She had no idea the wound she’d opened by doing this. I turned to Joe.

“Did you know your sister fixed me up with someone who killed someone while driving? Someone who got off. Remind you of anything?”

Joe immediately turned to Maya. “What is he talking about?”

Maya turned away from me and crossed her arms. She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“No way, doesn’t sound like nothing. You better tell me what the hell is going on here, Maya.”

She didn’t turn around to face him. She just started talking.

“Bexley was involved in an accident on her way home in February. She hit someone, and they died. I guess she told Hudson about it, and now he is acting like she is just like the guy who killed his girlfriend all those years ago,” she said, whipping around and glaring at me.

Joe looked at me, sadness coming over his face.

“I tried to tell him that this situation isn’t the same, but he won’t believe me.”

Joe stepped between us, turned her around, and led her out into the hall. Then he turned to me. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered.

Moments later, he returned alone and leaned against the doorway. He said nothing, because really there was nothing to say. He’d been there with me through the entire trial. I knew he knew how I felt about this sort of stuff.

“I think you need to think this through. Take a minute and really look at this situation,” he said quietly.

Joe probably knew me the best. He knew me well enough to know I’d already slept with her; he knew me well enough to know I already had feelings for her. I knew that was why he was giving the advice he was giving. I walked to the door and slipped on my shoes.

“Where are you going?” Joe asked.

“I’m not sure. I think I just need to be alone for a while.”

I sat behind my desk at work. The office was quiet. It was the only place I could think of to go that no one would bother me. I’d hit the gym and then made my way to my desk. I’d logged into the computer and had sat with my fingers on the keyboard for a few minutes, debating if I should look up the accident Bexley had been involved in. It had been eating at me for hours, why she hadn’t been charged. I knew I couldn’t decide on the status of our relationship without knowing the truth.

I sat there thinking about us. I knew in my heart that I liked the idea of there being an us. I had to know the truth. It was the only way. The second the office was empty, I typed in the accident’s date and her name to see if anything came up. Sure enough, a file appeared, so I began reading.

I heard a noise behind me and then felt a hand on my shoulder. I tore my eyes from the screen in front of me and looked up to see my boys. They grabbed chairs from other desks and sat down.

“So. You came to hide out here,” Joe muttered.

“Who the hell comes to work on his day off?” Tate questioned, while Liam and Dax laughed.

“You doing okay?”

I nodded as I looked back at the screen.

“I feel like an ass.”

“Why?” Joe asked. “Your feelings are valid. Maya should have known better, and had I have known about the situation beforehand, I’d have set her straight.”

“No need. Maya was right. It was nothing like what happened with Carrie.”

Joe frowned. “How do you know?”

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