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I picked up my glass and took a drink, clearing the hard lump that sat in my throat.

“When the police got there, they talked to his girlfriend and then told me there would be no charges. I do not know why. I mean, I hit him and he died. I didn’t see him, and I just can’t forgive myself. I can still hear his girlfriend crying, screaming at the police.”

I wiped my eyes, feeling the overwhelming sadness taking over once again.

When I looked over at Hudson, he had a funny look on his face. One I hadn’t seen before. He dragged his fork through his eggs, then stood up. He looked like he was going to be sick, and instantly I grew worried. “Look, I’ve got to get going,” he muttered.

I frowned. I’d opened up like he’d asked. Had I said something wrong? “You’re leaving?” I questioned.

He said nothing. He just went to the door and shoved his feet into his shoes, opened the door, and left my apartment. I stood there, not sure what had happened, but I could already feel my world starting to crumble.

I’d opened up, probably way more than I should have. We never should have slept together. I’d been honest like he’d asked, and he’d been the first and only person, aside from Maya, that I’d told about that night and the one person I never thought would have left me, especially after everything that had happened last night. I walked into the living room, sat down on the couch, and burst into tears.

I’d spent the day wrapped in blankets on the couch. After Hudson left, I’d spent the next couple of hours crying. I didn’t understand what I’d said or done to make him leave the way he did. I finally picked up the book I’d been reading and did everything I could to get lost in the pages. Anything to take my mind off the fact that he’d left. I was just about finished when my phone vibrated on the table.

Maya: You up for bowling?

Bexley: Nope

My answer was simple and to the point, which Maya didn’t always like. However, I didn’t want to be bothered. I didn’t want to be asked questions about how our third date had gone. The girls would see right through me, that I knew.

Maya: Spending the night with Hudson?

Bexley: Nope

Instantly, those three little dots jumped around. They looked more frantic than usual, and I could imagine Maya doing the same thing as she typed. I wasn’t sure I even wanted to see what it was she was going to say. I placed my phone on my stomach and closed my eyes until I felt it vibrate.

Maya: What do you mean, nope.

Bexley: Exactly what I said.

Maya: What happened?

Bexley: I don’t want to talk about it.

Maya: Too bad, you are going to talk about it.

Bexley: I’m not.

Maya: You are.

Suddenly, my phone started dinging, and I noticed both Poppy and Everly had been added to our chat. Talk about feeling ambushed. I let out a sigh.

Everly: What is going on?

Poppy: Looks like we’ve been added to a chat. See above.

Everly: Oh my, what is going on Bex?

Bexley: Nothing. I am just staying in okay. I want to be alone.

Maya: She is lying. There is something wrong. I can sense it.

Poppy: If she wants to stay in, let her. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong.

Everly: Yeah really, sometimes we all need to have our own time. I’m a huge advocate of it.

Maya: Ugh, you two aren’t listening to me. I’m telling you, something isn’t right. Liam left to go over to Hudson’s place. Said it was important but he wouldn’t tell me why.

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