Page 64 of Spike

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Hanging up the phone, I join the group again. “I think I have a lead.”

“Let’s bring this fucker down,” Spike growls. “Once and for all.”

I think it’s about time we do.

“ADDISON AND SERENITY, this is Gerard. Gerard, these are my very best friends,” I say the next morning when Gerard comes to collect me.

“Nice to meet the two of you,” he smiles, shaking their hands. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Thank you for taking Ciara today. We all want this over for her,” Serenity says gratefully.

Addison nods. “Seriously, this freak show needs to be put to a stop and this might be the only way.”

Gerard chuckles. “I agree.”

“Did you find anything out about Derek?” I ask, facing Gerard.

“He was working here when your sister went to the school, and I did manage to find out that he was seen with Alyssa outside a store one afternoon. It might be nothing, but it could be something.”

“He’s our man, I can feel it.” I say. “Hopefully, Alyssa’s parents can help us piece it together.”

“I hope so,” Addison holds up her crossed fingers.

“You two drive safe and let us know the second you find anything.” Serenity says, stepping closer and hugging me.

“I will.”

I climb into the car with Gerard, and we begin the trip to Alyssa’s family home. They live about an hour and a half away, which direction I don’t know, but I get myself comfortable as I scour through everything I’ve found, in hopes of finding something to prove that Derek is the person who killed Alyssa.

“Do you think Derek has done this to others?” I ask Gerard as we drive.

He nods. “I mean, it’s likely. He sounds unstable. After what you’ve told me you found out about your sister, and then Alyssa, it is possible he has done it to a few before or even in between.”

“Have there been any other deaths on campus?” I question.

Gerard shakes his head. “There was an assault two years ago, the girl was beaten pretty bad, but they figured it was one of the other students. They never said who did it.”

This asshole has been doing this for far too long.

I know it.

“How has he gotten away with this for so long?”

Gerard shrugs. “He’s smart.”

Too smart.

But hopefully, not smart enough.

We’re getting close, I can feel it.

“Hopefully, we get the proof we need today to at least get the police to look at him.” Gerard says out loud.

“I hope so. This can’t happen to anyone else.”

“No, you’re right, it can’t. Did you think about going to the police? I really think it would be a smart idea. Whoever this is, he is dangerous, and I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

“If nothing comes up here, I will go. I promise.”

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