Page 63 of Spike

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“Well, I guess that’s how we eliminate them, then. You need to see who has a tattoo.”

“That might not be easy, some of them could easily hide it just by wearing a shirt and tie, which most of them do,” I point out.

“Well, you need to pay extra attention.” Spike throws in. “Because one of those fuckers is a murdering, stalking bastard and if we don’t find out who it is soon, we’re goin’ to end up in deep shit.”

“I’ll figure it out,” I say. “Gerard is taking me to see Alyssa’s parents tomorrow, maybe they know the teachers at the school and if Alyssa ever mentioned any of them.”

“You know, Gerard might just know if you ask him. He would know the staff...” Addison points out.

She’s right.

He would.

“I’ll call him.”

I take my phone and step outside, calling the number I have for Gerard. I have all my teachers’ numbers; in case I have a question outside of class with regard to something I’m studying. It’s beneficial, especially when I’m working at home.

He answers on the second ring.

“Gerard speaking.”

“Gerard, it’s Ciara.”

He pauses. “Is everything okay?”

“Sure, I just wondered if you had a second to answer a question?”

“Of course. How can I help?”

I explain everything I’ve figured out, and then ask him if he knows anyone in the school who might fit the description.

He ponders it, before going silent. “There is one teacher.”

“What’s his name?” I whisper, my heart skipping a beat.

“His name is Derek. He’s been here for as long as I have, but there have been a couple of complaints made about him in the past because he has made girls uncomfortable. He’s good-looking, fits the age range, and he has tattoos. I can’t tell you what they are, but I have seen them.”


I think about the social media name I found @yourmandan and wonder if it could be a tricky way not to use his actual name, but still using the same initial.

“Do you know what days he works?”

“He’ll be there tomorrow. He works Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Do you think he has something to do with this?”

“I’m starting to think it’s possible. It has to be a teacher doing this, nothing else makes sense.”

“I can help you figure it out, but I think you should go to the police with this information. He could be dangerous.”

“I can’t do that, not when they think I’m the one who did it. They won’t believe anything I say, not without proof. I have to get proof.”

Gerard exhales. “It seems unsafe. Let me see what I can find out. I’ll discuss it more with you when I take you to Alyssa’s family tomorrow. Her mom has agreed to the meeting.”

“Thank you, Gerard. Seriously.”

“Just be careful, Ciara. We don’t know anything about this person.”

“I’ll be careful.”

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