Page 16 of Spike

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I giggle.

It’s good to be home.

5 – Ciara

“So some of the people there knew Cheyenne?”

“A couple of the girls who used to go to that school, but they work now. They recognized me and said we looked the same. I forgot she tried to study. Of course, when it didn’t work out, my parents just let her go. Always how it went with her.”

“Speaking of your parents, did you visit them?” Addi asks, taking a sip of wine as we sit around the fire at the club later that night.

I’m not drinking—I still don’t have it in me.

“Not this time. I mean, things are better these days, but it just never feels completely right, you know?”

Serenity nods. She understands. They all do. Hell, out of all of us, I’m the one with the best parents. That’s sad, really. Well, except Janine, her mom is awesome.

“What’s it like being around all those young people?” Janine asks. “I don’t think I could handle it. Looking back, we were all so damned immature at that age.”

“Hey.” Addison waves a hand. “That age was only a couple of years ago.”

“I know, and yet now we have kids, it feels like an eternity ago.”

“Ugh, poo,” Serenity huffs. “I feel so old.”

Addi grins. “That’s because you’re a grandma now.”

Serenity shoots her a look.

I chuckle. “Calm down, you two.”

“So,” Janine says with a grin, changing the subject. “What’s Spike been up to lately? I heard a bit of commotion coming out of the shed today. I think he and Jackson were going at it.”

Serenity nods. “Oh, yes, those two can throw down. I heard it, too.”

I exhale. “Spike is being a stubborn ass and wanting the club to go back to the way it was. He thinks Jackson is too soft. At least, that’s the impression I’ve got.”

Addison purses her lips. “I mean, I kind of get it. Sure, we want it to be a safer place for our kids but at the same time, it’s a club and we’ve had more problems since we softened up. I remember meeting Spike for the first time, that man gave me chills. He led with an iron fist, and he was good at it. Nobody messed around with his club.”

She’s right, and I know it.

“Jacks is trying to keep the peace.” Serenity sighs. “He’s trying to make it a safe place, but I have to admit, things of late have been a lot worse. There is more crime and more fights, people messing around with shipments. This is all just what I’ve overheard. I know someone has to put their foot down; I guess Spike made that decision for himself.”

“The problem with Spike is he doesn’t do things in halves,” I mutter. “He will go out there and cause chaos just to make a point.”

“Join a biker club they said, it’ll be fun they said ...”Addi sings.

We all laugh.

Shouting at the entrance has us all spinning and glancing into the darkness. It’s male voices, two or three maybe, but we can’t see them. They are shouting incoherently, saying a man’s name, and then they throw something by the gate and speed off. For a moment, the world goes quiet, and then I see a shadowy figure on the ground. My eyes widen as my heart skips a beat.

Before I can do anything, Spike and Muff are moving toward the gate while Jackson pulls out a gun and orders us to get the fuck inside and lock down. My feet plant to the ground; I find it hard to move as I watch in horror. The man on the ground is one of our own, an older biker by the name of Bear. We call him Bear because he’s massive, and hairy, and kind.

He's covered in blood, and amongst the shouting and chaos, I can see Spike tearing his shirt off to wrap his hands. My heart feels as though it lodges in my chest as I realize what they’re shouting. His fingers. They cut off his fingers. Vomit rises in my throat as they try to keep Bear on his feet. It feels as though I’m glued to the ground, unable to move.

A hand on my arm, tugging me, has me snapping out of my horror.

“Come on, we better move,” Addison yells into the darkness.

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