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“Which is the only reason you’re all still breathing—”

“Those women have been kidnapped, you fucking sanctimonious prick!”

Another interminable pause, during which it sounds like he opened a bag of chips and ate half of it. I feel my right eyelid starting to twitch.

“Still not my problem.” Cade snaps, munching.

I bite back a curse and take another breath. I knew getting Cade on board would be difficult, but I didn’t expect it to feel like swallowing glass shards.

“Quinn, they’re not just anyone. Addy is my woman, and Kira, her friend, is like a sister to me.”

“Could be your grandma and your day-old baby, and I still wouldn’t give a fuck.”

God, I hate this guy. Give me hot coals to walk barefoot on any day. Not him.

In desperation, I play my last card. “Listen. Addy’s pregnant with Sophie’s nephew—or niece. And I have cause to believe she’s being forced into a marriage tonight. And Kira, who was taken as leverage . . .” I pause, feeling like a heel for playing the sympathy card, but the only language the bastard understands is vulnerability. “Kira . . . she’s registered blind.”

A longer silence. When he speaks again, his voice has lost its lazy drawl. “Explain. Now.”

I take a deep breath, knowing I’m about to reveal more than I’d like to this prick. “Addy is actually Benjamin O’Shea’s daughter—”

“Who is now dead, so spin me another tale—”

My patience finally snapping, I growl, “If only you’d shut the fuck up and listen, Quinn, you’d learn she’s not dead—”

“Dumber, I’m two fucking seconds away from hanging up—” Cade snaps back.

Sal shoulders me away and interjects. “Mr. Quinn, this is Salvatore.”

“Oh, look who we have here,” Cade’s voice drips with sarcasm. “It’s our Harvard felon!”

Sal doesn’t rise to his bait. “Addy O’Shea is alive. We faked her death to keep her safe. The Mob is moving in, which wouldn’t usually be a problem, but they need a mercenary army to face us. Addy has been sold to the Philly Shadow Gang in exchange for an army. Kira was used to get Addy and probably is of no use to them anymore. There’s a chance Kira could be . . . discarded or enslaved once they’ve got their alliance done and dusted. Please help us.”

My head whirls to Sal, the urge to deck him beating down on me. I mouth, “Please help us? Are you insane?”

Sal only shrugs, apparently not caring about having to grovel.

Doesn’t he realize Cade Quinn was caught the moment I mentioned Sophie’s nephew or niece? The man would do anything for his sister. He’s just enjoying giving me shit.

After another long pause, Cade mutters, “You felons sure know how to fuck shit up royally, don’t you?”

“Look, can you help or not?” I snap.

“I can. But only because Sal begged. Fuck, that was hot, Salvatore.” I can practically hear the leer in his voice.

Jesus Christ. The guy is disgusting. Adopted brother or not, I just don’t see how he and Sophie can be siblings.

I manage to remain silent. Still, Cade makes me wait. Just when I’m about to hurl the laptop at the wall, he speaks, his voice taking on a crisp note. “I’ll need access to your systems and everything you know. And thirty minutes.”

“Done,” I say without hesitation. “Whatever you need, Sherlock.”

“Good. And tell Dumb that when this is over, if he steps one toe out of the line I’ve drawn him, his ass rots in a maximum security prison. That goes for you, too, Dumber. Are we clear?”

“Crystal.” I snap, relief and gratitude warring with my natural distaste for the man.

The line cuts off again, and I mutter, “Dumbest.”

Waiting for another thirty minutes feels like an eternity when Addy’s life is on the line, but I know Cade Quinn, and as much as it galls me to admit it, he’s our best shot at extracting her quickly and safely.

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