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I use the tense half hour to brief the men who’ve reported at Nico’s orders, preparing for every possible scenario. Sal paces the room, his usual calm demeanor cracking under the weight of worry.

Orlando, learning of his daughter’s kidnap, insists on joining us despite my initial reservations. His eyes burn with a father’s determination, and I recognize the same desperation I feel.

When the secure line buzzes from the screen again, I dive for the keyboard, immediately realizing for the first time when I glance at the coordinates that the guy is outside the country.

“Talk to me,” I bark.

“Calm the fuck down.” Cade’s sardonic voice crackles through. “1420 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia. It’s a brownstone, heavily fortified. Security systems are top-notch, thankfully, which means I can fuck it up faster. Basement is where the action is. Some drunken orgy. Wedding reception Shadow Gang style, I reckon.”

Clenching my fist, I suppress the urge to put it through the wall. I hate to admit it, but the bastard’s reach is impressive. All the way from Havana, he’s managed to pinpoint Kira and Addy’s location in a matter of minutes.

“So, what are we walking into?” I ask.

“Half a dozen armed on the perimeter. I can give you a clear path to the property. But I hope you know I can’t control their weapons, Dumber. You’ll need to aim and shoot.”

“Understood,” I say, this time not biting. “Anything else, Sherlock?”

“Only that if you end up wasting my time and fail to get those women out in one piece, I’ll be really pissed off.”

He disconnects, but this time I don’t have time to wonder what the guy’s problem is beyond the adrenaline pumping in my veins. In a matter of minutes, we have a location, we have intel, and almost unbelievably, we have Cade Quinn on our side.

I turn to the extraction team, a group of eight men, including Sal and Orlando. “Gear up. We leave in ten.”

The next few minutes are a blur of activity. Weapons are checked and loaded. Kevlar vests are donned. Comms are tested. Usually, I’d be itching for my AirPods, but right now, I want to revel in my fury. First, I need to get Addy safe.

Then I’ll unleash hell on Philadelphia.

The jet touches down in exactly one hour with a jolt that matches the urgency pulsing through me. As we disembark, I relish the cold crisp night air and the faint stench of the nearby Delaware River. The city lights twinkle in the distance, oblivious to the storm brewing.

An armored Klassen Sprinter waits on the tarmac, and we pile in silently, each man’s face a mask of determination. The van seats twelve comfortably, but with just nine of us—myself, Sal, Orlando, and six of our most trusted soldiers—the extra space only amplifies the tension hanging in the air.

As we pull away from the airfield, Cade’s voice crackles through our earpieces. “Welcome to the City of Brotherly Love, assholes.”

I grit my teeth, resisting the urge to rip out the comm. “Just give us a tested route, Quinn.”

“What’s the matter, Dumber? Too anxious for a witty comeback? Addy will be fine—if you don’t fuck up.” Despite his mocking tone, I can hear the rapid clack of his keyboard in the background. While reassuring me that he’s finding me answers, the sound begins to wind me up after it carries on for a full minute.

“The route, Quinn,” I snap. “Before I decide to find my own way.”

He snorts. “As if you could find your own ass with both hands and a map. His tone turns serious. “Take I-95 North, then exit onto Callowhill Street. Your destination is halfway down the block.”

I relay the directions to our driver as Cade continues. “You’ll have a five-minute window once I disable their security systems.”

“Copy that,” I respond, then turn to the team. “Addy and Kira are the priority. Everything else is secondary. Sal and I go in and get the girls. Orlando, you too. After they’re out, the floor is all yours, ragazzi. And you’d better dance like it’s open fucking season.”

Sal nods, his usually jovial face set in hard lines. Orlando casually slips a toothpick into his mouth, but I can see his knuckles are white on his weapon, and a father’s fury is radiating off him in waves.

As we near Callowhill Street, I feel the familiar pre-mission calm settling over me. The world narrows down to the objective: get in, get the girls, get out.

Everything else fades away.

Chapter Forty-One


I managed to turn the blunt end of the spoon handle into a deeper oval, not quite the pointy edge I was hoping for, but at least it didn’t splinter or break. It’s now tucked securely into the side of my bra, reminding me that anything can be a weapon. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m grateful for my double Ds.

The spoon may be insignificant, but it’s the anchor holding me together right now.

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