Page 9 of The Biker's Vow

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“I think he bought me a ring, but I’m not supposed to know that.” The lies come rolling off my tongue as Sabrina stares at me like I’ve grown a second head. “I keep waiting for him to ask, but he’s super secretive about the whole thing.”

“I give you props. I wasn’t sure he would ever settle down, but he’s smitten. Congrats. Seriously.”

“Thanks.” I do my little hip swaying saunter back to my man to deliver his beer and an indecent kiss that would have my mother praying for my wretched soul.

Chapter Four

“Angel said he’s doing security at that strip club,” Sabrina prattles on as she digs into her pasta bowl. “Of course we can’t get in, but what if we put on wigs and dressed real slutty and asked for a job?”

“No way. I don’t even want to think about the hell I’d catch from not only Smoke, but my brother. There’s got to be a better way than pulling some wild ass stunt.” Any other time or situation and I’d be down, but anything coming from Angel puts me on alert. The woman is nothing but red flags. She’s not a girl’s girl.

“I bet Pam would be on board.”

“One, Pam is a nut. Two, you’re probably right. And three, I don’t have my third yet, but it will come to me in a minute.” I bite into my forkful of cheesy pasta heaven. If Pam were coordinating, I’d trust the outcome, but Sabrina has a bitch like Angel filling her head with crap I want no part of.

“Why did you tell Angel that Smoke bought you a ring?”

“Because she’s a skank who would fuck him if given the chance.” Not that I believe for one second that Smoke would have anything to do with her. If he was going to cheat, I’d hope he’d have higher standards.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to marry anyone. Not even him.”

“I didn’t say never, and it’s not like she will tell him what I said. Did she have anything else to say about Jimmy?” I deflect from talking about me and my problems. Not even Sabrina knows my secret. She would never judge me. I want to tell her. Only I’m scared that if I confide in her that her big mouth will get the best of her, and she’ll let it slip to her new buddy Angel.

Who knows what she would do with the information?

“Only that she never sees him with any of the hangarounds. And at the strip joint, if they get caught messing with the girls, they’re done.”

“Well, there you go. Trust me. If he was up to no good, Angel would break her neck to rub it in your face.”


“She’s not your friend, Brina. None of the muffler bunnies are.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No, but every time she’s there, you get all chummy with her.”

“You know the saying. Keep your enemies close.”

“Just be careful. Women like her are dangerous.” I shiver thinking about Shiloh and the lengths she went to trying to mess things up between Smoke and me. The vile things she did to him cost her life. People forget men can be victims, too.

“Don’t worry. I’m a big girl.”

“So what's the plan?”

“Drive to the strip club and see if Jimmy is there, like Angel said.”

“And if he’s not?”

“I’ll try to track him.”

“You know what I think?”

“No, but you’re going to tell me, anyway.”

I stick my tongue out. “Ha. Anyway, we should get you a pregnancy test. Then you should take that test and talk to Jimmy.”

“Jimmy doesn’t want to talk.”

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